Find your bin day and access bin collection calendars.
Opening hours and location of transfer stations in Hepburn Shire, tip shops, transfer station fees, green waste and hard waste.
Find out what to do about a new bin service, damaged bin, or missed collection.
Learn about your kerbside bins. What goes in each bin - landfill/general rubbish, mixed recycling and food and garden organics. Which properties receive transfer station (tip) vouchers.
Tips on how to dispose of and recycle a range of items such as eWaste, household chemicals, batteries, hard waste, green waste, DrumMuster program, an A-Z guide and more.
Council introduced a kerbside food and garden organics collection to townships in April 2024. Find out what can go in your lime green-lidded bin, watch videos to get tips, along with answers to FAQs about the service.
Find out opportunities to reduce your waste and help our Shire send fewer items to landfill.
Learn about our circular organics study and keep up-to-date with the study's progress.
Find out more about the management of closed landfill sites in Hepburn Shire.