Transfer stations

Council has three transfer stations for depositing selected waste and recyclables. Read the Transfer Station guidelines(PDF, 984KB).

Transfer stations are closed on Christmas Day, Good Friday, days of Total Fire Ban, and days with a Fire Danger Rating of Catastrophic and Extreme. 

Please note final entry into the transfer stations is at 4:50pm.

Operating Hours

Daylesford Transfer Station - 16 Ajax Road, Daylesford

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – 9am to 4:50pm

Wednesday – closed

Creswick Transfer Station - Ring Road, Creswick 

Monday, Thursday, Friday– 12pm to 4:50pm

Tuesday, Wednesday – closed

Saturday, Sunday – 9am to 4:50pm

Trentham Transfer Station - 145 Blackwood Road, Trentham 

Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday – 9am to 4:50pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – closed

Transfer station (tip) vouchers

Some properties are eligible to receive vouchers for use at the transfer stations. The properties who receive vouchers are:

  • Rural properties with a kerbside service – eligible to receive two tip vouchers a year.
  • Rural properties where kerbside collection service is not available – eligible to receive 12 tip vouchers a year.

Eligible residents or renters can collect tip vouchers from the transfer stations or from our customer service centres/hubs. You will need to provide proof of ID or a copy of your rates notice. Renters can collect vouchers if they have a letter from the property owner.

Each voucher allows for the disposal of up to 0.5 cubic metres of waste (landfill, recycling, other items) free of charge at Council’s transfer stations in Creswick, Daylesford and Trentham.

Properties with a township kerbside collection service are not eligible to receive tip vouchers. This includes urban areas of Hepburn Shire including Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford*, Hepburn, Hepburn Springs and Trentham. If you are unsure which service you should be receiving, please refer to our bin collection page for further information.

*Daylesford Township collection area also includes some properties in surrounding localities, including Musk Vale and Sailors Hill.

Free green waste

During November we will offer free green waste disposal at each of our three transfer stations – Creswick, Daylesford, and Trentham.

This is your opportunity to get your property ready for the bushfire season.

Green waste includes tree branches, grass and leaf litter. Noxious weeds are not accepted.  

Free green waste disposal requirements:

• This only applies to residential properties within the Shire. Proof of residency in the Shire is required. 

• Separate your load - noxious weeds must be separated from clean green waste or other wastes.

• Excludes commercial quantities of waste (up to 2 cubic metres). 

For more information on noxious weeds visit Agriculture Victoria.

Resource recovery shops a.k.a. tip shops

Resource recovery (a.k.a. tip shops) are located at each of our transfer stations. The shops sell used, recycled and second-hand products that have been salvaged before going to landfill. Find a bargain at the shops and if you have items that might be able to be re-sed, let the team know when you arrive. Items will be accepted upon inspection by a team member.

Glass drop off

Glass drop off at transfer stations 

As part of our work to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill, residents and ratepayers will be able to drop off glass to our transfer stations for a small fee.

Why drop off glass?

 Under the Victorian Government’s circular economy policy and plan, Recycling Victoria: A new economy, Council will need to remove glass from kerbside collection by 2027. While we continue to accept glass in our mixed recycling collection, broken glass is a major contaminant of other recyclables, especially paper and cardboard.

By offering glass drop off points at our transfer stations we’re taking an important step towards this change. You can drop off glass for a small fee to any of our transfer stations. Don’t forget Victoria also has a container deposit scheme where you can get a 10c refund for glass bottles (and other eligible items!).

Accepted items for glass drop off include:

  • clean glass jars - make sure lids are removed
  • clean bottles (including wine bottles) - make sure lids are removed.

Items NOT accepted for glass drop off include:

  • lids from glass bottles and jars
  • drinking glasses
  • light bulbs
  • glass cookware
  • plastic, paper, aluminum and cardboard.

Pop into your closest transfer station to utilise this service. See opening hours.

Food organics drop off

Food organics drop off at transfer stations

As part of our work to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill, residents and ratepayers will be able to drop off food scraps for a small fee to our transfer stations.

Why drop off food scraps?

Township households can now use their kerbside food and organics bin to avoid sending food scraps and garden clippings to landfill. Those households who don't have the kerbside service, or who have excess food scraps can drop off up to 120L of food waste (not green waste/ garden clippings) for a small fee to our transfer stations. Separated garden/green waste can also be dropped at our transfer stations, but fees also apply. By offering a drop off food scraps service we hope to continue to divert valuable food scraps from going to landfill.

What food scraps are accepted? 

  • Food scraps, leftovers, out of date and mouldy food
  • Meat, fish, bones - raw and cooked
  • Fruit and vegetable scraps
  • Dairy, bread products
  • Citrus, garlic

All food scraps must be placed into bins at transfer station loose, not in bags.

Visit our organics page for a full list. See opening hours for when you can drop off your organics. 

Green waste - noxious weed guide

Green waste includes tree branches, grass and leaf litter. Noxious weeds are not accepted.

Find out what common noxious weeds are, why it is important to not transport them in the noxious weed guide(PDF, 1MB)

For more information on noxious weeds visit Agriculture Victoria.

Green waste disposal is available year round with a small fee.

Council offers free disposal of green waste in November to help residents prepare for the fire danger period.


Mulch may be available throughout the year (pending supply) at transfer stations, for self-loading. Call customer service team on (03) 5348 2306 ahead to confirm availability.

Hard waste

Hard waste, such as furniture, bicycles and mowers can be taken to transfer stations – there are fees for some items. Reusable items are recovered for resale pending inspection by a team member.

Clunes township currently receive an annual hard rubbish collection. Plans for 2024 hard waste collections are in progress and details will be confirmed soon.

Hard plastic

Hard plastics include wheelie bins, bread crates and milk crates only. These items are accepted free of charge. Please ensure your hard plastics are clean before disposal.

E-waste Recovery

E-waste refers to any item with a plug, battery or cord that is no longer working or wanted. The Victorian Government banned e-waste from landfill as of 1 July 2019.

Recycling your e-waste is important, but if we can avoid creating it, that is even better. If you have an item that still works, consider trying to find a new home for it first – friends, family, sell it, donate it (check they are happy/can accept).

Our transfer stations accept e-waste for free from residents.

Items that are considered e-waste:

  • Televisions, printers, computer equipment (including monitor and mouse)
  • Small appliances – irons, toasters, kettles
  • DVD players, microwaves
  • Phones, chargers, tablets
  • Light bulbs
  • Toys with batteries

From February- June 2023 Hepburn Shire Council trialed an e-waste recovery pilot at Daylesford Transfer Station, this is now a permanent offering.

E-waste items that pass a visual inspection will be test and tagged, and available for purchase through our resource recovery shop (a.k.a tip shop). Test and tagging ensures electrical items are safe to use but does not guarantee function. 


Detox Your Home

Our transfer stations do not accept household chemicals for disposal, and they are not accepted in kerbside bins.

Detox Your Home is a safe, free and easy-to-use service to dispose of highly toxic, unwanted household chemicals. This includes solvents, poisons and cleaning products. 

Detox Your Home Event 2024 Daylesford - completed. Thanks to everyone who attended. Future events will be communicated when confirmed. 

For a list of upcoming events and full list of items they accept visit Dispose of household chemicals (Detox Your Home) | Sustainability Victoria.

The City of Ballarat Transfer Station on Gillies Street South is a close, permanent drop-off site for the Detox Your Home program. Ballarat Transfer Station currently does not accept pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and nail polish remover, or chemicals used by businesses for industrial and commercial purposes.


For more information on the best location for household items please explore the A - Z guide(PDF, 114KB) for households. 

The following items are not accepted at the transfer stations 

Asbestos and cement sheeting

Our transfer stations do not accept asbestos, or any material that may contain asbestos such as cement sheeting, old linoleum, vinyl tiles and electrical fittings.

 Asbestos can be dangerous to human health when not handled, removed or disposed of safely.

Click through links to find out how to determine what may contain asbestos,  a list of licensed asbestos removalists and landfill sites that accept asbestos (the closest ones are Campbells Creek, Eaglehawk and Smythesdale). Find out more about asbestos.


Commercial or industrial waste

Transfer stations have limited capacity and therefore we do not accept commercial quantities of waste or recycling onsite. 

Cooking oil

Cooking oil can be safely disposed of at Detox Your Home events. Detox Your Home is a safe, free and easy-to-use service to dispose of toxic household items that cannot.

The City of Ballarat Transfer Station is a permanent drop off location for the Detox Your Home Program. Visit Detox Your Home to find out more. 


Household chemicals

Our transfer stations do not accept household chemicals for disposal, and they are not accepted in kerbside bins. 

The City of Ballarat Transfer Station on Gillies Street South is a close, permanent drop-off site for the Detox Your Home program. Ballarat Transfer Station currently does not accept pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and nail polish remover, or chemicals used by businesses for industrial and commercial purposes.

Detox Your Home is a safe, free and easy-to-use service to dispose of highly toxic, unwanted household chemicals. This includes solvents, poisons and cleaning products. For a list of upcoming events and items they accept visit Detox Your Home



Noxious weeds

Noxious weeds are not accepted at our Transfer Stations.

Find out about why you can't transport noxious weeds, common noxious weeds in our region and how to control them in Hepburn Shire Council's noxious weed guide(PDF, 1MB).

Visit Agriculture Victoria for more information.

Solar panels

Solar panels are not currently accepted at transfer stations. Ballarat Transfer Station and Macedon Ranges Transfer Stations are locations nearby and accept panels for a cost.


Transfer station disposal fees

Description of charge Fee 2024/2025 incl. GST 
Domestic waste and recyclables 
Standard garbage bag (approx. 120 litre) $11.00 
Car/boot load (½ m3 max.) $33.00 
Utility/small trailer (1.0m3 max.) $66.00
Small truck/tandem trailer (2.0 m3 max.) $132.00 
Other non-commercial loads per m3 $66.00 
Commercial or industrial waste Not accepted 
Clean green waste up to 240 L bin $7.00 
Clean green waste up to ½ m3 $14.00
Clean green waste per m3 $28.00 
Food organics up to 12 L $5.00 
Food organics up to 120 L $7.00 
Woody weeds per m3 Not accepted
Comingled recyclables up to 240 L bin $11.00 
Comingled recyclables up to ½ m3 $22.00
Comingled recyclables per m3 $44.00 
Glass bottles and jars up to 120 L $5.00 
Separated recyclable cardboard and paper No charge
Wheelie bins, bread crates and milk crates (clean) No charge 
Car $10.00
Light truck $38.00 
Truck $74.00 
Tractor - small $154.00
Tractor - large $236.00
Rims only No charge
Paint - 4 L container or smaller* $4.00 
Paint - 5 L container or greater* $7.00 
Empty paint containers - recyclable*  No charge
Motor oil No charge 
Batteries No charge
Scrap steel No charge
Non-ferrous metals No charge
Refrigerators and freezers (degassed/gassed) $23.00 
Televisions/computers No charge
Other eWaste items No charge
Mattresses $34.00 
Concrete rubble per m3 $83.00


Note: Commercial waste and recycling quantities not accepted.

*Daylesford Transfer Station only