Circular Organics

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The Circular Organics project is a scientifically rigorous study of soil and tree health after applying compost, made from the organics collected via the food and garden organics bins, to a range of Council-managed parks and open spaces. 

We will be working alongside Gaia EnviroTech to optimise compost production at the Creswick Transfer Station to achieve an excellent quality compost. Multiple lab tests will be conducted on the compost and the soil, with the soil being tested before and after compost application. This will help inform us of the beneficial microbial and chemical changes in soil health achieved by applying the compost. 

At the end of the project, we are hoping to have enough data and evidence to continue to use the compost in Council's parks and open spaces, make it available to residents and potentially to other high value uses in the Shire.

Project components

This project consists of four components, progressing in parallel:

  • Optimisation of the biological health of our organics-derived compost in partnership with Gaia EnviroTech.
  • Trialling the application of compost derived through Council’s kerbside food and garden organics collection to various sites within our parks and open spaces (using scientifically rigorous methods).
  • Education campaign about the project (and importance of keeping compost free from contamination) using videography and social media and sharing results with other councils.
  • Undertaking a triple bottom line assessment of the optimal uses/end markets of our compost.

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Project videos

Join us on the journey! A big part of this project is educating us all about what makes great compost and why it is important. Visit the Food and garden organics webpage to find out how to help us make great compost by doing the right thing with your food and organics for kerbside collection. View more content on our YouTube channel


Sustainability Victoria, Why councils should use recycled organic compost

Case study on Council's in-vessel composting system and how it works, Gaia Case Study(PDF, 2MB)

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This project is supported by the Circular Economy Organics Council Fund delivered by Sustainability Victoria under the Victorian Government’s circular economy policy, Recycling Victoria: a new economy.

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