We love Hepburn Shire and take our job seriously to look after it for future generations. But we can’t do it alone. It is up to all of us to play our part. Read on to find out what Council is doing to improve the sustainability of Hepburn Shire and what you can do to help.
A resilient, sustainable and protected environment is one of five focus areas in the Hepburn Shire Council Plan 2021-25(PDF, 4MB). Council has developed and adopted Sustainable Hepburn 2022-26, an integrated environmental sustainability strategy covering four key themes - Beyond zero emissions, natural environment and biodiversity, low waste and climate resilience.
Read our overview of what we have achieved in partnership with the community in 2023.
Read Sustainable Hepburn 2022-26(PDF, 15MB) or our Sustainable Hepburn summary(PDF, 8MB). Visit our Waste pages to see what we're doing in this area.
Read the summer edition of Sustainable Hepburn e-newsletter, find out more from past editions of the e-newsletter or sign up to receive it straight to your inbox.
Hosting an annual Sustainable Hepburn event is a commitment of the Sustainable Hepburn Strategy (2022-2026), intended to bring together the many groups and individuals the make Hepburn a sustainable Shire to provide updates on progress, build capacity and knowledge, and celebrate our successes.
Actions to protect and enhance biodiversity values across the Shire through restoration of natural environmental values, appropriate land use, knowledge sharing, and improved capacity of Council.
Find out what we're doing to reduce the impact of climate change from Council operations.
Find out about local programs and opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint and save money.
Council and the community can adapt to the impacts of a changing climate, know what actions to take in extreme weather, become more informed about climate risk and value water as a vital natural resource.
Council is committed to developing and promoting the circular economy to diversify our local economy and support our sustainability goals.
An invitation to host biodiversity-supportive Carbon offset plantings in Central Victoria