
Council administers a variety of grants programs to support community groups.  If your project does not align with the programs below, check out the Hepburn Grant Finder website. It’s a powerful search tool which will show you funding available from all levels of government and philanthropic organisations across Australia.  Register free to create watch lists, receive email alerts for funding opportunities and get tips to help you apply for grants.

For further information regarding council’s grants programs contact

Community Grants Program (Round 3 - Closed)

The Community Grants Program supports community-based projects and initiatives that enhance the social, environmental and economic life of Hepburn Shire.

Community Grants can help community groups to implement projects that promote community wellbeing, increase social connection and build capacity for leadership and independence.

Funding is awarded for projects and initiatives that show community benefit and align with one or more of the focus areas in the Council Plan 2021-2025 up to a value of $5,000. Read the guidelines here(PDF, 459KB).

Applications must be submitted through the Hepburn Shire Grants Portal.

Community Grants Program Key Dates:  

ROUND 1 (closed)


Opens 9am

9 October 2023

Closes 11.59pm

5 November 2023

Grant Review Panel Decision

13 December 2023

ROUND 2 - including Charitable Purposes


Opens 9am

15 January 2024

Closes 11.59pm 

12 February 2024

Grant Review Panel Decision

27 March 2024

ROUND 3 - including Welcome to New Residents


Opens –9am

2 April 2024

Closes 11.59pm

29 April 2024

Grant Review Panel Decision

12 June 2024

Assessment Process: 3 times per year, except Categories E/F, which are annual.

Decisions by Grant Review Panel: 3 times per year, except Categories E/F, which are annual.

Acquittal and Evaluation Form: Due 12 months after funds are granted.

For a list of previous award winners click here(PDF, 204KB)  

Quick Response Grants (Closed)

Hepburn Shire Council is committed to supporting local community groups and organizations to remain agile and responsive to issues that arise in the local Hepburn community. The 2022/23 Council Grants Review identified the need for a quick-response small projects grant scheme to be available year-round, for community groups to access outside the normal cycle of Community Grants periods.

The Quick Response Grant has been designed to support community groups who may have experienced an unforeseen disruption, urgent issue or to facilitate smaller projects that are significantly less costly than the amount specified in the Community Grants scheme. The Quick Response Grants has been designed to allow for quicker assessment outcomes and to facilitate adequate and timely responses to community issues.

Grants that address the key focus areas in the Council Plan 2021-2025 or address priority groups outlined in the Council Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan are strongly encouraged.

Applicants can apply for a grant up to $1000 once per year. The Quick Response Grants will be open for applications from October 2023 until 10 June 2024, or until the allocation has been exhausted. For more details see the Quick Response Grant Guidelines(PDF, 343KB).

Grant applications need to be submitted through the Hepburn Shire Grants Portal


Sustainable Hepburn Grants (Closed)

Hepburn Shire Council’s Sustainable Hepburn Grants Program (formerly Towards-Zero Grants Program) supports community-based projects and initiatives that aim to reduce future impacts of climate change.

Council has committed $40,000 to support community driven sustainability initiatives in 2024. Funding is available for projects that align with the strategic themes from the Sustainable Hepburn Strategy and can demonstrate a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, through reduced energy consumption, carbon drawdown or via the use of renewable energy in Community facilities across Hepburn Shire.

Read the program guidelines here(PDF, 270KB).

Sustainable Hepburn Grants Program Key Dates:

Application Stage Opens

9am, 26 February 2024

Application Stage Closes

5pm, 8 April 2024

Assessment Panel Convenes

24 April 2024

Applicants notified of Assessment Outcomes

6 May 2024

All projects completed and acquitted

30 June 2025


Applications must be submitted through the Hepburn Shire Grants Portal.

For a list of previous recipients click here(PDF, 95KB).


Biodiversity Grants (Closed)

Council has committed $28,000 to support community driven biodiversity initiatives in 2024. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate how their project links to the seven objectives of the Natural Environment and Biodiversity theme within the Sustainable Hepburn Strategy 2022-2026. Funding is available for projects that can demonstrate benefits to biodiversity via on-ground works or increasing the public’s interest and capacity to protect and enhance Hepburn’s biodiversity.

Read the program guidelines here(PDF, 755KB).

Biodiversity Grants Program Key Dates:

Application Stage Opens

9am, 26 February 2024

Application Stage Closes

5pm, 8 April 2024

Assessment Panel Convenes

24 April 2024

Applicants notified of Assessment Outcomes

6 May 2024

All 12-month projects completed and acquitted

30 June 2025

All 24-month projects completed and acquitted

30 June 2026


Applications must be submitted through the Hepburn Shire Grants Portal.

For a list of previous recipients click here(PDF, 107KB).

Environment Group Grants (Closed)

Hepburn Shire Council’s Environment Groups Grant Program (formerly Landcare Grants) supports community groups whose primary function is to enhance and protect the environment of Hepburn Shire. Council has committed $20,000 to support local community environment groups in 2024. Potential applicants are identified by Council Officers and will be invited to apply by the Biodiversity Officer. Applicants will need to demonstrate that their group conducts on-ground environmental works or promotes/advocates for the protection and enhancement of ecological health within Hepburn Shire.

Organisations can apply for funding to support their group’s sustainability and effectiveness. If you believe your group and project is eligible, contact our grants team at or (03) 5348 2306.

Read the program guidelines here(PDF, 489KB).

Environment Group Grants Program Key Dates:

Application Stage Opens

9am, 26 February 2024

Application Stage Closes

5pm, 8 April 2024

Assessment Panel Convenes

24 April 2024

Applicants notified of Assessment Outcomes

6 May 2024

All projects completed and acquitted

30 June 2025


Applications must be submitted through the Hepburn Shire Grants Portal.

For a list of previous recipients click here(PDF, 93KB).

Events Grants (Closed)

Council supports events that are in line with the Hepburn Shire Events Strategy 2020-25. Events can be supported by Council through the three levels of events funding framework: Signature/Iconic, Regional and Local Community Events.

Local Community Events Program has now closed for 2023/2024 and will reopen in the next financial year. For funding to support Regional and Signature/Iconic events please contact the grants team.

The Hepburn Shire Events Strategy 2020-25 document outlines criteria, funding limits, and the event funding framework. You can read the Events strategy document here. For more information or to enquire about submitting an application, please contact


Providing Council with a tax invoice

If successful in your grant application, your group will be required to submit an invoice for funding.  Find out more about tax invoice requirements(PDF, 218KB)

You can use this tax invoice template(DOCX, 33KB).