Crossovers and road reserves

Permission is required by individuals, contractors and companies wanting to dig up any section of a Council road, footpath, or nature strip.

This enables the correct mechanisms to be put in place for public liability and ensures that the affected area is appropriately restored.

Do I need a permit?

A Works Within a Road Reserve permit is required for any works within the road reserve including a road, footpath, or nature strip.

This is often the case with excavations, trenching or core sampling, connecting water, gas or stormwater, driveway/crossover construction/upgrade and soil testing.

Find the responsible authority

If you carry out works involving disturbing/digging up a footpath, nature strip or roadway, you must apply for consent from the coordinating road authority.

Regional Roads Victoria is the coordinating road authority for all freeways and many arterial roads. Council is the coordinating road authority for all other streets and laneways in the municipality.

Roads managed by Regional Roads Victoria are listed on our Roads page, the VicRoads website or by calling 13 11 71.

How to apply for a Works Within a Road Reserve permit

If Council is the coordinating road authority, complete and submit the application below along with a copy of your traffic management plan.

Apply for a permit for Works within a road reserve

You can also complete a pdf version of the permit for Works within a road reserve(PDF, 131KB).

Submit it via:

  • Email –
  • Mail – Hepburn Shire Council, P.O. Box 21, Daylesford 3460 or
  • Bring your form into a Council Customer Service Centre.

Please read the guidelines for Vehicle Crossover Construction(PDF, 633KB).

Permit fees

Lodging a Works Within a Road Reserve permit application incurs a fee that is set by the Victorian Government. Fees depend on the road classification and work type. Please refer to the Schedule of Application Fees and Charges listed on the application form.

Important – Dial Before You Dig

To prevent damage and disruption to underground pipe and cable network which carries essential services such as electricity, gas, communications and water, it is important to locate these services before carrying out any works on your property.

Find out where any pipes and drains are located by contacting Dial Before you Dig on 1100 or by visiting the Dial Before You Dig website. Neglecting to dial 1100 before excavating can lead to costly disruption to essential services and injury or death to workers or the public. It can also lead to heavy financial penalties.

Local Law No. 2 requirements

2.8       Motor vehicle crossings

2.8.1     A person must not, without a permit, including temporarily, construct, install, remove or alter a motor vehicle crossing.

2.8.2    The owner of land must ensure that at each point of any motor vehicular access from a carriageway on a road to the land there is a motor vehicle crossing that is constructed and maintained in accordance with Council’s Procedures for Vehicle Crossings, being a document incorporated by reference into this Local Law.