
Find out more about your property’s valuation, how this is reached and other information about it including any particular restrictions or financial arrears on it and how to notify Council if your property use is changing.

Click the links below to find out more. 


Council rates

Annually, Council decides on the total rates revenue needed to deliver its works and services to its ratepayers and citizens.

Your property’s rates are determined by:

  • The valuation of your property (determined by the Valuer-General Victoria)
  • The rate in the dollar (determined by Council)
Valuations in Victoria

The Valuer-General Victoria is responsible for annual valuations of all property in Victoria for council rates, land tax and the fire services property levy.

The types of valuations used in Victoria are the Site Value (the value of the land only), the Capital Improved Value (the value of the land and all the improvements such as buildings) and the Net Annual Value.

Council uses the Capital Improved Value (CIV) for rating purposes. The CIV reflects the fair market value at 1 January each year.

Valuations on the Notice

The Valuer-General Victoria determines the valuation of all rateable properties as part of the annual general valuation. Each year, properties are revalued with a valuation date of 1 January. (The valuations shown on your Valuations & Rates Notice will be the valuation as at 1 January of the year of the Notice).

The Valuer-General Victoria then provides all such property valuations to Council to calculate the rates on each property. Council does this by multiplying your property’s Capital Improved Value (CIV) by the rate in the dollar.

From year-to-year, your rates will change as your property’s CIV and your Council’s rate-in-the-dollar changes.

Differential rates

Council applies a different rate in the dollar (called Differential Rates) to separate classes of property - residential use, farming use, commercial use, industrial use and vacant land use. Council sets the Differential Rates each year. Read more on the rates explained page.

How valuations are made

Valuations are made by certified practising valuers on behalf of the Valuer-General Victoria. Valuers must be qualified and have relevant experience.

The valuation principles and methodologies followed by Valuers are described in the Valuation Best Practice Specifications Guidelines.

They can be downloaded from the Valuer-General Victoria.

To make a valuation, Valuers collect and analyse data such as:

  • Property sale prices and rentals
  • Inspection records
  • Property title and land-use records
  • Planning permit/building permit records
  • Planning (zones and overlay) information

This enables a level of value to be established and applied to each property within a group of properties that have similar characteristics.

Objecting to a rating valuation

If you disagree with your property’s valuation, as shown on your Valuation and Rates Notice, then you can submit an objection.

Submit a valuation objection

Object online via the objection portal (see below), or by downloading, completing and mailing or delivering an objection form (see below) to Council.  In both cases, your objection must:

  • Be in writing
  • Submitted within two months of the date your valuation and rates notice is issued
  • Explain why you are objecting.

Further information is available from the Valuer-General Victoria.

Object to the valuation via the Objections Portal 

Or download and complete an objection form and post it to Rates Objection, Hepburn Shire Council, P.O. Box 21, Daylesford. Vic 3460 or deliver it to Council offices. Choose a form from these three options based on your property’s zoning:

For more information, contact the Finance Department on (03) 5348 2306.

Land Information Certificate

To access information about a particular property, including valuations, the amount of general rates and/or special rates, charges, arrears/interest if applicable and any specific restriction on your property, complete a Land Information Certificate request form.

The certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue and Council will provide a verbal update within this period.

If selling a property in Hepburn Shire, you will need a Land Information Certificate to ensure that any adjustments are correctly applied at the time of settlement. Your solicitor/conveyancer should apply for and obtain this information on your behalf.

Download the Land Information Certificate request(PDF, 252KB)

Change of property use

You must notify Council if your property use changes, for example, from a residence to holiday or rental accommodation.

You can do this by completing a Change of Property Use Notification(PDF, 306KB).

Download the form (which includes a Statutory Declaration), complete and submit by email to or by posting to Change of Property Use, Hepburn Shire Council, PO Box 21, Daylesford VIC 3460.