Older people

About Positive Ageing 

Positive Ageing is the ability to maintain a positive outlook, feeling good about yourself, keeping fit and healthy and fully engaged in life as you age.

The No Barrier Positive Ageing Strategy 2022 - 2030 presents as a solid foundation and way forward for an age-friendly Shire.

The strategy describes ‘objectives’ under eight strategic 'focus areas' which seamlessly align with the:

  • World Health Organization’s Age-friendly Cities Framework
  • Commissioner for Senior Victorians' Ageing Well in a Changing World report
  • Ageing well in Victoria 2022–2026 action plan 
  • Hepburn Community Vision 2021–2031 Council Plan.

Find what you need to age well in the Shire

For Community Groups and Support Services assistance visit Ask Izzy.

Communication and Information

Stay in touch with new ideas, change the mindset of ageing, find help with technology and adapting to a rapidly changing world.

General information

For support services - Ask Izzy - Access support services Hepburn Shire Council 

The Upside of Ageing - Liveup

Community life, Health and Wellbeing, ageing well - Seniors Online

Latest news and information, Council's e-newsletter - Hepburn Life

Hepburn Shire Council - Social media

Melbourne’s only Indigenous radio station - Mobcast

Speak to a lawyer - Legal help – (03) 9607 9311

Mindset change to getting older

The definition of ‘mindset change’ in terms of getting older is:

"Understanding harmful thought processes that lead to a negative ageing experience and changing those thought processes to result in a positive ageing experience".

If you think you're too old, maybe these videos will change your mind!

80 cycles around the sun and still a powerlifting World Champion! - Helen Kostandinos


Positive Ageing highlights 2023

Record-breaking older people!!

Age is not an excuse

Inspiring documentary about older people

Why you shouldn't tell people your age

The secret to successful ageing

Secret to healthy ageing

Never too old to dance

EveryAge Counts advocacy campaign - EveryAge Counts

Ever wondered what provides for a long and happy life? Is it just ‘good genes’?

No, it’s been proven by Harvard researchers that its mainly good relationships, community connection and a positive mindset!

You might be surprised by the content of this Harvard study that started in 1938 and is still going!

Harvard study continuing for over 80 years

Technology and adapting to a changing world

Australian Government online courses, articles, tips and podcasts - Find learning (esafety.gov.au)

Some YouTube tech help - Geeks On Tour - YouTube

Community Support and Health Services

Information on how to deal with various changes in life, community networks and services, health, wellbeing, nutrition, exercise programs, aged care, veterans, and disability information.

Dealing with a change in circumstances

Carer support

Further support

Community networks and services

Crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders - Call 13 92 76 - 24/7

Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277

Health, wellbeing, nutrition and exercise

Awesome exercises

Health and Wellbeing 

Food relief

Healthy Ageing articles

 Fitness and falls prevention course ideas

Chinese exercising

About Blue Zones

Blue Zones are “limited regions where the population shares a common lifestyle and environment and whose exceptional longevity has been accurately verified” it isn’t unusual for people to live an active life until nearly 100 or over.

Ikaria - Greece

Aged care, veterans disability 


People with disability

My Aged Care - 1800 200 422 

National Dementia Helpline: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1800 100 500

Office of the Public Advocate – 1300 309 337

Benetas - Daylesford office – 03 5428 0650


Stay longer in your home, find affordable housing, financial services and emergency planning information.

Stay longer in your home ('ageing in place')

Rates assistance Hepburn Shire Council

Affordable housing

A Home in Hepburn Shire Strategy and Action Plan

 Housing For The Aged Action Group

Financial services

Seniors Card

Financial Counselling Victoria - 03 9663 2000

Centrelink – to check any implications for your pension, log into myGov or phone 13 23 00.

Family agreements - Compass – 1800 353 374

Community Legal Centres – (03) 9652 1501

National Debt Helpline – 1800 007 077

Emergency planning information

Emergencies - Hepburn Shire Council

Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

Shire-wide toilet and drinking water locations, accessibility, community facilities, fun places.

Community facilities and fun places

Places and activities

Walking in Hepburn Regional Park


Find existing connections, available transport, and mobility options. Car parking and multipurpose taxi information,

Existing connections and available transport

Victorian Off peak travel vouchers: Public Transport Victoria – 1800 800 007

Car parking and multipurpose taxi information

Safe Transport Victoria - Multi-Purpose Taxi Program

Social Participation

Find events, activities, special interest, and intergenerational (tribal) groups and expand your social circle. Discover the Victorian Seniors Festival.

Here’s an example of why social participation is so important - What happens to lonely people under anesthesia?

Activities, groups, special interest, and intergenerational (tribal) groups:

Ask Izzy - Finding help you need

Eventbrite - Discover the best events and things to do near you

Trybooking - More events

Hepburn libraries

Discover the 'Victorian Seniors' (Positive Ageing) Festival'

Hepburn Shires Positive Ageing Festival

Victorian Seniors' (Positive Ageing) Festival

Civic Participation and Employment

Find learning, volunteering and employment opportunities, social roles, and personal fulfillment.

Volunteering and employment opportunities

Work/Volunteer for Council

Volunteering Victoria

Ask Izzy

TAC L2P Learner Driver Mentor Program

Learning, social roles and personal fulfillment 

Public participation

Respect and Social Inclusion

Learn about the Positive Ageing Expo, share your experience and ideas, participate in surveys, the Victorian senior of the year awards, the rights of older people and more!

The Positive Ageing Expo and the Victorian Senior of The Year Awards

The Senior (Elder) of the Year Award nominations, as well as the Positive Ageing Expo, occur annually. See an example Here

The rights of older people

 Elder abuse 

SeniorsElders Rights - Helpline - 1300 368 821

Elder Rights Australia - 1800 700 600 - 1800 022 887 - Elder Rights Australia addresses issues related to Commonwealth-funded aged care services. Free, independent and confidential.

Speak to a lawyer - (03) 9607 9311

The ‘You Can’ Campaign


This campaign highlights positive ‘self-messaging’, ‘You Can’ change your thought processes, or your mindset, from any negative experiences that you might be going through, to more positive experiences and outcomes.

If you find yourself thinking, or saying to others, that ‘you can’t’ do things because:

  • You’re too old……..
  • You don’t have enough money…….
  • You don’t know anyone…….
  • You’re in too much pain……..
  • You’re not fit enough…….
  • You’re too sick…….
  • You’re too shy…….
  • You’re not confident enough…….

Think again, there are things you CAN do in any given situation to make it better! Even if it’s completely unorthodox and you’re the first to do it!

Also, remember this, FUN is the antidote for sadness, depression and loss! So don’t forget to have a bit of fun too!

Positive ageing - Peter's story - 3 minutes

Positive ageing - Heather's story - 3 minutes

Positive ageing - Val's story - 3 minutes

Positive ageing - Theresa's story - 3 minutes