Children and families

Find out about local services and contacts for families and children in Hepburn Shire. For information on immunisation visit our Public health page. 

Maternal and Child Health Service

This free service is funded jointly by Council and the Victorian Government. It is delivered through Central Highlands Rural Health and is available to all families with young children.

Families can access key ages and stages consultations for children from birth to pre-school age. Other services available include breast feeding support, sleep and settling service, family violence sessions and new parent groups.

Maternal & Child Health Centres are co-located within Central Highlands Rural Health. To book or change an appointment call (03) 5321 6550.

Locations are:

  • Daylesford - 13 Hospital Street from 9am-4:30pm (Monday, Tuesday and every other Thursday)
  • Creswick - 1 Hill Street from 9am-4:30pm (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
  • Clunes - 69 Service Street from 9am-4:30pm (alternate Thursday)
  • Trentham - 22-24 Victoria Street from 9am-4:30pm (alternate Thursday)

You are welcome to attend any centre.

For more information, including available services, visit Central Highlands Rural Health.

The Maternal & Child Health Line (24 Hour Line) is 13 22 29.


Playgroup is for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers and their parents or carers. At playgroup you get the opportunity to meet other people with young children, make friends and ease the isolation that can come with caring for young children. It is also a great opportunity for children to have fun, develop physically and socially, gain self-confidence and interact with others.

There are active playgroups throughout the Shire, including at Clunes, Creswick, Newlyn, Trentham, Blackwood and Bullarto. Find out details below and at Playgroup Victoria.

The Maternal and Child Health at Central Highlands Rural Health run a new parent group and supported playgroup Smalltalk. Visit their website for information. 

Hepburn Springs Community Playgroup

Bullarto Nature and Art Playgroup - Jo Bullarto

Trentham Playgroup - Clare Jones

Newlyn Playgroup - Meg Richardson

Creswick Community Playgroup

Child care centres

The three child care centres in our Shire are:

Creswick - Creswick Children’s Services – 7 Andrew Street. Phone (03) 5345 2555

Daylesford – Daylesford Community Child Care Centre Inc – 81 West Street. Phone (03) 5348 3702. Website:

Trentham – Trentham Early Learning – 6 Bridge Street. Phone: (03) 5424 1543

Local family daycare providers also offer care from private homes across the Shire.

Early and Middle Years Strategy

Council’s Early and Middle Years Strategy 2022-2030(PDF, 16MB) provides direction for the development and coordination of services, programs, infrastructure, activities, and local community development processes that impact children aged 0-12 years living in the Shire.

Within the strategy, the strategic priorities are:

  • Play and participate
  • Grow and develop
  • Our future need.

Read the strategy for details on the actions and partners that Council will work with to achieve these objectives.