Before and during the fire season, staff inspect properties within the Shire to ensure owners have removed fire hazards on their property. Council’s Fire Prevention Officers prioritise property inspections based on risk ratings of locations as determined by the Municipal Fire Management Planning Committee.
If a fire hazard has been detected on individual properties, a Fire Prevention Notice will be issued to the property owner specifying the work required to reduce the fire risk on their property by a specific date.
The issuing of Fire Prevention Notices instructs property owners to carry out the necessary fire prevention measures to lessen the risk of fire threatening both themselves and the community.
If you receive a Fire Prevention Notice, it is important that you read the notice carefully. If you are having difficulties meeting the requirements, please Contact us before the specified completion date.
If you do not carry out the works required by the Fire Prevention Notice, an infringement (fine) will be issued and Council may arrange contractors to carry out the works listed on the notice at the property owner’s expense.