Review of the Application of the Restructure Overlay

The municipality of Hepburn has several isolated rural settlements that were subdivided more than 20 years ago. Before adequate planning controls were in place, several subdivisions occurred where small lots were created despite significant physical, environmental and infrastructure constraints affecting the land. These subdivisions were in and around the Shire including:

Drummond - an isolated rural residential settlement located approximately 23 kilometres northeast of Daylesford. Drummond is located to the west of Malmsbury-Daylesford Road adjacent to an expansive, heavily forested area immediate west and north. Land to the east is cleared and used for farming.

Sailors Falls - approximately seven kilometres south of Daylesford to the west of Ballan-Daylesford Road. The area is characterised by an expansive, heavily forested area to the immediate west and north. The area is isolated from other urban development. Agricultural lands extend east and south with further expansive forest beyond to the east.

Old and inappropriate subdivisions

The restructuring of “old and inappropriate subdivisions” has been used in Victoria as a means of dealing with areas of existing subdivided land which are subject to use and development constraints, and which if developed to their full capacity, would have serious environmental, servicing and social impacts. Implementation of measures to bring about a restructure is consistent with the Hepburn Planning Scheme Review Final Report – February 2020 (also known as Amendment C80).