Significant tree register C54
Hepburn Planning Scheme Amendment C54 Significant Tree register
The purpose of Amendment C54 is to implement the findings of the Hepburn Significant Tree Register – Statements of Significance Report 2015 by introducing planning controls to protect significant trees identified in the strategy as being of importance to the municipality.
Implements the recommendations of the Hepburn Significant Tree Register Nominations 2011 - Statements of Significance Report, with Planning Scheme Amendment, November 2015 (the Report) by applying a Vegetation Protection Overlay or Heritage Overlay to significant trees or tree planting. The amendment also amends Clauses 21.05, 21.09, 42.02 Schedule 1, 43.01 Schedule and 61.03 Schedule and inserts new Clause 42.02 Schedule 2 and the Report as a reference document.
Council called for nominations from the community for suitable trees to be included in the Register and received a total of 70 nominations. Assessments of the nominated trees were subsequently undertaken.
The Hepburn Significant Tree Register – Statements of Significance Report 2015 contains recommendations for the inclusion of trees or groups of trees onto Council’s Significant Tree Register and the application of the Heritage Overlay or the Vegetation Protection to protect these trees. The Hepburn Significant Tree Register – Statements of Significance Report 2015 provides clear guidelines about how to manage the vegetation identified in the Report.
The application of the Heritage Overlay (with tree controls included in the Schedule) and the Vegetation Protection Overlay will mean that planning permit applications would be required to remove or lop trees included in these overlays under this Amendment.
The proposed amendment was on exhibition from 9 July 2015 to 10 August 2015. Submissions have now closed.
The Significant Tree Register was gazetted on 22 December 2016 and included in the Hepburn Planning Scheme through Amendment C54.
The amendment implements the recommendations of the Hepburn Significant Tree Register - Statements of Significance Report(PDF, 3MB), by applying a Vegetation Protection Overlay or Heritage Overlay to significant trees or tree planting.
The final changes to the Hepburn Planning Scheme can be viewed at
Any questions relating to Planning Scheme Amendment C54 can be directed to or phone Strategic Planning on (03) 5321 6427.
Nominate a tree via the Significant Tree Register page.