Council offices, depots, hubs and libraries will close at 5pm on Monday 23 December and reopen on Thursday 2 January. To report animal emergencies: 0419 587 955. To report Council-related emergencies: 0419 583 573.
Enter the planning application number e.g. PA 3000, address or suburb to track the progress of a current application, make an objection or view details of applications already decided.
Step-by-step guide and links to apply online for a planning permit.
We offer support to help you start or grow your business. We can help you connect with local business networks and resources and provide training, advice and support.
Request formal written advice or book a one-on-one appointment with a planner.
If you need more time to start or finish works you can apply for an extension.
Find guides on the associated costs to your plans and checklists which will assist you in making your application.
Details each step in the planning process including contesting a decision at VCAT.
Overview of the subdivision process
Building in a BMO.LCAs and building in a catchment area.Removing native vegetation.Useful links.
Apply for a VicSmart planning application. vicsmart checklists
Find information on making changes to you planning permit, including VicSmart applications, secondary consent and Section 72.
Find out about Section 173 Agreements and how they can be used to prevent unsuitable or undesirable planning outcomes.