Heritage services

Council provides a free heritage advisory service to assist owners and developers with advice to maintain and care for places of heritage importance and significance to the Sshire.

Council’s Heritage Advisor is available to provide advice on proposed development in heritage areas. Advice ranges from heritage design and colour schemes through to restoration advice and assistance in preparing Planning Permit applications.

You can make an appointment to see the Heritage Advisor by contacting the Customer Experience team on 03 5348 2306.

Hepburn Shire Council has nearly one thousand heritage places and precincts that are locally significant and protected under the Heritage Overlay of the Hepburn Planning Scheme. Council is committed to ensuring that its heritage places continue to be protected in accordance with best practice and international heritage standards.

Hepburn Heritage Strategy 2020-2030(PDF, 2MB) sets out the framework by which the council will protect these important assets. 

Is your property in a Heritage area?

You can find out if your property is in a Heritage Overlay and the overlay number by creating a Planning Report at VicPlan.

Heritage Overlay is a way to show that a place or area has heritage values and helps to protect and conserve important heritage elements.

The Schedule to the Heritage Overlay lists all places and areas affected by the Heritage Overlay and any additional controls that may apply to a particular site. View the Heritage Overlay.

Heritage studies

Heritage studies that give a history of the area and list buildings, places and precincts of aesthetic, architectural, historical, scientific, social or other special importance in Hepburn Shire localities include:


Creswick Shire Heritage Study: A Study of the Built and Environmental Heritage of Creswick Shire, Lester Tropman & Associates, Wendy Jacob, Chris McConville, Richard Aitken (1990)(PDF, 14MB)

Creswick Shire Heritage Study: A Study of the Built and Environmental Heritage of Creswick Shire: Building Citations Index Appendix A- Volume 1 (authors) Lester Tropman & Associates, Wendy Jacob, Chris McConville, Richard Aitken (1991)(PDF, 34MB)

Creswick Shire Heritage Study: A Study of the Built and Environmental Heritage of Creswick Shire: Building Citations Index Appendix A- Volume 2 (authors) Lester Tropman & Associates, Wendy Jacob, Chris McConville, Richard Aitken (1991)(PDF, 33MB)

Cultural Landscapes Study of Creswick Goldfields Area, Chris McConville & Associates (1989)(PDF, 15MB)

Cultural Landscapes Study of Creswick Goldfields Area - Report for the Australian Heritage Commission (1989) - Chris McConville and Associates Pty Ltd(PDF, 15MB)


Talbot and Clunes Conservation Study, Part A Study Report (author) Richard Aitkens (1988)(PDF, 25MB)

Talbot and Clunes Conservation Study, Part B Background Information (author) Richard Aitkens (1988)(PDF, 41MB)

Daylesford and Glenlyon

Daylesford and Glenlyon Conservation Study Part 2 (author) Wendy Jacobs, Architect and Heritage Planner Volume 1 Environmental History (1995)(PDF, 13MB)

Daylesford and Glenlyon Conservation Study Part 2 (author) Wendy Jacobs, Architect and Heritage Planner Volume 2 Planning Recommendations (2000)(PDF, 91MB)

Daylesford and Glenlyon Conservation Study Part 2 (author) Wendy Jacobs, Architect and Heritage Planner Volume 3 Individual Citation Sheets of Significant Places (2000)(PDF, 191MB)

Daylesford Neighbourhood Character Study Hepburn Shire Council, October 2002.(PDF, 12MB)

Vol 1 - Heritage Study Daylesford - Glenlyon(PDF, 13MB)

Vol 2 - Heritage Study Daylesford - Glenlyon -Vol 2(PDF, 91MB)

Vol 3 - Heritage Study Daylesford - Glenlyon - Vol 3(PDF, 24MB)

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs Conservation Study 1985 - Perrot Lyon Mathieson 1 - Introduction(PDF, 4MB)

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs Conservation Study 1985 - Perrot Lyon Mathieson 2 - Background(PDF, 14MB)

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs Conservation Study - 1985 - Perrot Lyon Mathieson 3 - Inventory of individual sites(PDF, 3MB)

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs Conservation Study 1985 - Perrot Lyon Mathieson 4 - Precincts(PDF, 14MB)

Daylesford and Hepburn Springs Conservation Study 1985 - Perrot Lyon Mathieson 5 - Recommendations and references(PDF, 4MB)

Daylesford-Hepburn-Springs-Conservation-Study (1985)(PDF, 9MB)

Hepburn Shire Council Heritage 16 (C) Date adopted: 17 November 2015(PDF, 254KB)

Hepburn Significant Tree Register Nominations 2011 - Statements of Significance Report, with Planning Scheme Amendment, November 2015(PDF, 6MB)

Shire of Kyneton Conservation (Heritage) Study, Volume One, Volume Two, Volume Three, Part C (authors) David Bick, Phyllis Murphy and John Patrick, and background history by Susan Priestley (1990) pp. 117-1066(PDF, 10MB)

Planning Recommendations, Volume 3, Individual Citation Sheets For Significant Places. (1989-2003) 

The Australia ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 [the Burra Charter](PDF, 2MB)