The first Council meeting for 2025 is taking place on Tuesday 25 February at 6 pm in-person and online.
Council is upgrading some important system software on Friday 21 February and Monday 24 February. You can still make payments in person, online and over the phone, but our Customer Experience staff may not have access to all your property information. Thank you for your patience.
Stormwater is collected via pipes, pits, channels, flood retarding basins, sedimentation basins, wetlands, raingardens, gross pollutant traps and litter traps which are located within roads, reserves and easements.
Household and property drains are owned and maintained by property owners. Always use a qualified plumber to carry out any plumbing work.
Visit our Legal point of discharge page for more details. For further information on stormwater, see the Australian Government’s Your Home website.
Every property owner is responsible for ensuring that stormwater is discharged from their property correctly and does not affect adjoining landowners. Inadequate or damaged drainage can damage buildings, undermine foundations or cause landslips, which may result in costly repairs or legal action from affected persons.
Council has no legislative power to require a person to maintain or install stormwater systems to existing buildings or to install drainage to landscaping. Liability arising out of the flow of water is an offence under the Water Act 1989 - Section 16.
To prevent damage and disruption to underground pipe and cable networks (electricity, gas, communications and water), locate these services before carrying out any works on your property. To find out where pipes and drains are located contact Dial Before you Dig on 1100 or visit Dial Before You Dig. Neglecting to dial 1100 before excavating can lead to costly disruption to essential services and injury or death to workers and the general public. It can also lead to heavy financial penalties.
Council provides roads and drainage systems which convey stormwater to creeks, rivers, lakes and foreshores. Some of these drainage systems may be located on private land within drainage easements (either formalised or prescribed from historic use).
Council is required to maintain its drainage infrastructure. Any operational issues experienced with Council infrastructure should be reported by contacting Council on (03) 5348 2306.
Problems with overland stormwater flows between neighbours are a civil matter to be resolved between the respective land owners. They should talk first to try and agree on a solution.
If this does not work, contact the Dispute Settlement Centre at 1300 372 888 for a non-legal mediation service, or take legal action through a solicitor.