Track an application, view planning register or lodge an objection

Track an application

To track the progress of a planning application you can search by the planning application number or address. You can also use the filters to view applications by suburb, activity, or lodgment date. Once you have located the application you will be able to view the plans, respond to a request for further information, and a raft of other functions that relate to that application. 

Track an application

View advertised applications

To view all currently advertised applications, please click the button below

Applications on advertising

View the historical register of planning permits

To view the historical register of planning permits issued by Hepburn Shire council since 2012 click the button below then select All Planning Applications.

Register of planning permits

If you wish to view any historical permits issued and/or endorsed plans and associated documents you will need to submit a request using the online form below.

For a copy of any permit issued in 2012 and later - $50

For a copy of any permit issued before 2012 - $215

Request a copy of a permit

Lodge a submission (in objection or in support of an application)

Before lodging an objection, it is important that you view the associated plans and documents to understand what is being proposed. The applicant will get a copy of the objections so they can respond to the issues raised. You may still object to a proposal if you are not formally notified, if you have valid grounds. All objections will be made available for public inspection at the Planning office during the entire application process. 

An objection may be lodged any time after the advertising period has commenced but can only be considered if received by council before a decision is made on the application. An ‘advertised’ planning application is a planning permit application submitted to us that does not yet have approval and is on exhibition for public viewing. Comments or objections can be submitted to us for consideration.  You may lodge an objection/submission to a planning application by searching the list of applications on advertising by clicking the button below. All objections are publicly available. Copies of your objections/submissions are public documents which may be viewed by the applicant, Councillors, or other interested parties for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning process.

To lodge a submission, you must:

  1. Enter the address in our planning application portal to search for an application or just scroll through the page of applications on advertising. You can also use filters to view applications by planning permit number, lodgment date or suburb.
  2. View the application status, plans and further information.
  3. If a decision has not yet been made on the application, you may make a submission in favour or against the application.

    Lodge a submission

Alternatively, use the below links to download submission and withdrawal forms:

Objection to a Planning Application Form(PDF, 234KB)

Withdrawal of an Objection to Planning Application Form(PDF, 79KB)

Consultation and our decision

Once the advertising period has ended, the planner will begin assessing objections. Simple issues may be resolved through informal discussions or conditions may be able to be included as part of any decision to address the concern that is raised. You may be asked to attend a consultation meeting to address more complex issues.

If agreement or resolution is reached, the objectors may seek to formally withdraw their objection in writing. Then a planning permit can then be issued.

The applicant may choose to make changes and liaise with objectors to satisfy the requirements of all parties.

If agreement is unable to be reached, the application may proceed based on the original application and officers may make a decision based on the concerns of residents and the policy within the Hepburn Planning Scheme or the application may be required to be heard at a formal Council meeting for a final decision.

All objectors will be notified of Council’s decision in writing. If the applicant or the objectors do not agree with the decision, an Application for Review can be lodged with VCAT to appeal the decision.


An objection can also be in the form of a petition. The petition must identify a contact person who informs all of the other petitioners about the process of the application and who will receive a copy of the final decision.

A petition is considered to be one submission and must explain how the people that sign it are affected by the application.