Council plan and vision

The Council Plan is Council’s key strategic document. It sets out how Council will work towards achieving the Community Vision 2031 over the next four years. Read the Council Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 4MB).

Council vision

Developed in partnership with our Community, our vision is:

“Hepburn Shire – an inclusive rural community located in Dja Dja Wurrung country where all people are valued, partnerships are fostered, environment is protected, diversity supported, and innovation embraced.”

Council Plan

Our engagement with the community identified five key focus areas to work together on to make progress towards our shared Vision. These are outlined in our Council Plan and are:

Focus area one: A resilient, sustainable and protected environment

A responsive, adaptive and resilient community that addresses changes to our climate and biodiversity.

Focus area two: A healthy, supported and empowered community

A community that values connection supports diversity, health and wellbeing, and is inclusive of all people and their needs.

Focus area three: Embracing our past and planning for the future

We acknowledge and empower the Traditional Owners and other cultures of our area to protect our historical roots while planning for future generations.

Focus area four: Diverse economy and opportunities

Our community is enhanced by a diverse and resilient economy that supports local aspirations through opportunity.

Focus area five: A dynamic and responsive Council

Council and the community partner to achieve their aspirations through excellent communication and engagement, the delivery of effective services, strong financial management, and governance.

Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

For the first time Council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (MPHWP) has been integrated into the Community vision and Council Plan 2021-2025. Council and community identified health and wellbeing priority areas for working towards the Community Vision. They are:

Tackling climate change and its impact on health

Resilient and safe communities that are adapting to the public health impacts of climate change.

Increasing healthy eating

Access to nutritious food and water for everyone, especially the most vulnerable. People are supported to make healthy lifestyle choices through collaborative people and place-based approaches.

Improving mental wellbeing

Hepburn Shire’s diverse communities are celebrated, included and respected. Social connections are strengthened through participation in community groups, clubs, arts, culture, nature and physical activity. Everyone can access mental health services, housing, learning and employment.

Preventing all forms of violence

Everyone is able to live free from all forms of violence. Prevention efforts focus on gender equity, while responding to the needs of our diverse population.


Visit our engagement website Participate Hepburn to find details about the engagement that shaped the Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-2025.