Youth Strategy open for comment

Published on 19 April 2022

Young people jumping up and down

If you want to have a say on the development and coordination of services, programs, activities, for people aged 12- 25 years, take a look at Hepburn Shire Council’s Youth Development Strategy – known as THE ACE.

The draft strategy was co-designed with local young people, who took the lead in designing and implementing the consultation and Youth Census that identified matters important to young people in Hepburn Shire.

ACE stands for:

A: ADVOCATE with and for young people on the issues that matter most to them.

C: CELEBRATE our young people, their passions, skills, contributions, achievements and endeavours.

E: ELEVATE young people as leaders and decision-making roles in our schools and communities, and in their own lives however they choose to live them.

The strategy aims to increase resilience in young people, raise their voice on topics they see as important, strengthen community partnerships, find ways for young people to be more included and respected in the community, and much more.

THE ACE is separated across eight focus areas, which were developed based on feedback as part of the Youth Census.

The focus areas are mental health; climate action; gender equity, inclusion and diversity; youth health and wellbeing; social community connection; personal growth and development; youth agency and empowerment; and safety and security.

Council is now seeking feedback on THE ACE and invites community members, particularly young people, to review the strategy and have a say. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 6 May. Read THE ACE and provide feedback at

Here’s what young people had to say about being involved in the co-design process to develop the strategy:

“Being a part of the Youth Strategy Co-Design group has allowed me to voice my concerns and thoughts about my personal experience in growing up in the Shire. My outlooks and beliefs are recognised, listened to and taken into consideration within the discussions. This allows me to feel as though I can personally make a change and elevate future youth experiences in the Shire.” - Lilia (21), Creswick.

“Having a voice in Hepburn Shire, especially as an 18 year-old has helped me not only be able to see the changes this strategy is going to provide; but it has also helped me visualise the issues that young people have in the area, such as the lack of youth spaces in the area.” - Shaelyn (18), Trentham.

“By being involved in youth co-design I've been able to tangibly influence the experience of young people in Hepburn Shire. This experience provides a fantastic insight into the work councils do for anyone who wants to become involved in policy making into the future.” - Tino (19), Hepburn.

"Having my voice heard, and my ideas come alive, was such a satisfying and amazing feeling. It made me feel that I was a true part of the community. I hope that this strategy can show young people how many others within the community are willing to help them thrive and succeed, and that having a voice within the community can pay off and can truly make a difference." - Lucinda (18), Daylesford.