Works underway on Trentham Community Hub
Published on 14 June 2022
Demolition of sections of the Trentham Mechanics Institute has commenced, as the building is transformed into the new $6 million Trentham Community Hub.
Works are ramping up on the site, with tree removal, sewer realignment and removal of asbestos now completed.
Hepburn Shire Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie, was joined on a site tour and official launch of construction recently with The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas, Minister for Regional Development.
“This is a major investment for Trentham and surrounds, and I’m thrilled to see the new hub underway. The building will incorporate a library, Council customer service centre and large community hall,” said Cr Drylie.
“It will also feature a commercial-style kitchen, visitor information services, playgroup area, on-site parking, all beautifully situated in landscaped surrounds,” he said.
“This $6 million project has significant community benefit, and stimulus opportunity for our Shire. We are very grateful for the funding from both state and federal governments towards this important community project,” said Cr Drylie.
Regional Development Victoria has generously provided $3.5 million through the Regional Infrastructure Fund, with $1.1M from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure grant.
“I’m particularly pleased with the building design, which achieves a five-star Greenstar rating,” said Cr Drylie.
“One of the strengths of this project has been the extensive community input into the design, including establishment of a Project Advisory Group of local residents,” said Cr Drylie.
“Another benefit of the design is incorporation of a back-up generator, to serve the community in times of power outage and ensure the building can remain operating,” he said.
Construction is expected to be completed by the end of June 2023.
Image caption: Members of the Project Advisory Group recently met with Minister Thomas, Councillors and Council staff at the site of the Trentham Community Hub. L-R Wendy White, Natalie Poole, Kate Mooney, Cr Brian Hood, Di Clausen, Council CEO Bradley Thomas, Minister Mary-Anne Thomas, Mayor Cr Tim Drylie, Ceri Spain and Council’s Lizzy Atkin.