VNI-West Community Q and A session

Published on 27 September 2022

Transmission lines in a rural landscape

The Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West) project is a proposed new high capacity 500 kV double-circuit overhead transmission line between Victoria and New South Wales.

It would connect the Western Renewables Link with the NSW EnergyConnect Project via a proposed terminal station at Mount Prospect in Hepburn Shire.

While Hepburn Shire Council is highly supportive of renewable energy, it strongly opposes above-ground transmission lines and the Mount Prospect terminal station.

Overhead transmission lines and the proposed terminal station will have a detrimental impact on our valuable agricultural land, significant landscapes and the health and wellbeing of local people.

Council will provide a community information session about the VNI West project for residents of the Yandoit, Franklinford & Clydesdale districts.

Two one-hour information sessions have been scheduled for Wednesday 12 October between 4pm and 6pm at Yandoit Mechanics Institute & Public Hall, High Street, Yandoit. If needed, additional information sessions will be provided on other suitable future dates.

Council officers and community representatives will be available to provide information about VNI West, learnings from the Western Renewables Link project and the Environmental Effects Statement process, and respond to questions from the community.

Council acknowledges that the Australian Energy Market Operator has engaged early with Council about its planning for VNI West. Council has advised AEMO it expects the community to be fully consulted about the project.

Council will continue to seek detail about the project including the proposed alignment of the transmission line, the nature of the infrastructure and the environmental features and communities that will be impacted.