The first Council meeting for 2025 is taking place on Tuesday 25 February at 6 pm in-person and online.
Council is upgrading some important system software on Friday 21 February and Monday 24 February. You can still make payments in person, online and over the phone, but our Customer Experience staff may not have access to all your property information. Thank you for your patience.
Published on 21 April 2021
Community groups across the Shire were big winners at last night's Council meeting, with six applications recommended for full funding and one recommended for partial funding.
All up, more than $13,000 was allocated collectively to the successful applicants.
Eleven applications were received in total. Four were assessed as not eligible/unsuccessful.
Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt, said that eligible community groups can access funds in four rounds annually across five categories that support a range of community needs.
“Community grants allow community groups to fund projects that they may not have been able to deliver without support. It is an important way that Council invests in and supports the community,” said Cr Hewitt.
The successful projects and organisation are:
Round 4 of the community grants program is open until 3 May 2021. Find more information at