Council is upgrading some important system software on Friday 21 February and Monday 24 February. You can still make payments in person, online and over the phone, but our Customer Experience staff may not have access to all your property information. Thank you for your patience.
The first Council meeting for 2025 is taking place on Tuesday 25 February at 6 pm in-person and online.
Published on 05 October 2023
Hepburn Shire Council is updating policies that will govern how it manages Council-owned and controlled property, including leases, licences, and the disposal and acquisition of land and buildings.
Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said the policies will provide clarity on future decisions relating to Council property.
“Council owns more than 80 properties and manages a further 50 reserves as Committee of Management. The two new policies will help to develop a practical and effective framework to guide decisions that are transparent, fair and benefit the community,” said Cr Hood.
Council has reviewed its existing Council Owned and Controlled Property Policy and has drafted two updated policies – Leases and Licences Policy and Disposal and Acquisition of Land Policy.
Feedback on the draft Leases and Licences Policy is now open for public comment until Friday 27 October.
“The Leases and Licences policy has been developed to specifically deal with the process for leasing and licensing of Council property. It can be a complex issue, particularly where there are competing interests within the community,” said Cr Hood.
“We welcome community input and encourage you to review the draft policy and provide feedback,” he said.
A policy guiding the disposal and acquisition of land is in development and will open for community feedback in November. Review the draft policy and have your say at