Refurbishment of Hepburn Kindergarten

Published on 04 November 2021

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Children at Hepburn Kindergarten will benefit from a $428,000 grant that Hepburn Shire Council has received from the Victorian State Government.

The funds will be used to upgrade Hepburn Kindergarten, and will provide better access and security, along with improvements to bathroom, kitchen, and office.

The kindergarten is managed by ECKA and Chief Executive Officer Joanne Geurts said this investment will see considerable improvements to the popular centre.

“This refurbishment will modernise and improve both access and amenities for the children and staff into the future,” said Ms Geurts. “ECKA is very thankful to both the Hepburn Shire Council and the Victorian State Government for their ongoing commitment to the Hepburn Kindergarten,” she said.

The kindergarten upgrade will include refurbishment of timber floors, and installation of energy efficient lighting. Children will also be able to play outdoors regardless of the weather, with the addition of pull-down exterior blinds for weather protection.

A new carpark, drop-off zone and front entrance ramp will also provide better access and security for children, carers and staff.

“We know the importance of early education and this project will make Hepburn Kindergarten a more welcoming space to be enjoyed by some of our youngest community members,” said Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt.

“We are very grateful to the Victorian Government for continuing to invest in our Shire,” said Cr Hewitt. 

The timing of the works is not yet confirmed, but efforts will be made to minimise interruption to the school term.

The grant is provided by the Victorian Government’s Building Blocks – Refurbishment and Minor Works program.

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