Pavilion redevelopment for Trentham
Published on 18 May 2021
In more good news for Hepburn Shire Council, Sport and Recreation Victoria has confirmed it will provide $2.062 million to redevelop the Trentham Sportsground Reserve Pavilion.
The funding is part of the Community Sport Infrastructure Stimulus Program. Council will contribute $413,000.
“Council has been working with user groups and the community on the designs, and it’s exciting that this funding will allow us to start work on construction much sooner than we expected,” said Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt.
“The project will see the creation of a welcoming and inclusive community sports facility for Trentham, with universal access, gender equitable changerooms and family-friendly design,” said Cr Hewitt.
The final phase of design works is expected to be completed in the coming months, with construction to begin in November 2021.
Once complete, the pavilion will accommodate sports club use and broader multi-purpose community meeting space needs.
“This project will considerably improve the internal lay-out of the pavilion, so clubs will be able to more easily host fundraising social events and hire out the pavilion for community activities and events,” said Cr Hewitt.
“The Trentham Sportsground Committee of Management (CoM), our Clubs and community are extremely excited and appreciative of the funding support from the Victorian State Government and Hepburn Shire Council to acknowledge the need to improve our pavilion," said Adrian Tusek, President, Trentham Sportsground CoM.
"The town was a buzz over the weekend with the news. The new pavilion will help to widen our sports participation and community use of the facility,” Mr Tusek said.
The sportsground supports the function of junior and senior, male and female football, cricket and netball, as well as providing a venue for large community and private events.
The pavilion design complies with AFL Victoria and Cricket Victoria facility guidelines for a local club level facility.