PAG & architect appointed for Daylesford Community Facilities project

Published on 22 May 2024

Daylesford Town Hall - morning sun

Hepburn Shire Council has appointed seven community members to its newly established Daylesford Community Facilities Project Advisory Group (PAG), following a public Expression of Interest stage. An eighth position will be filled by a youth representative.

The group, which consists of Adam Fawcett, Joanne Tsakoumagos, John King, Louise Johnson, Sarah Bibby, Sarah Lang and Matt Johnson, has been established to consult with Council and the broader community on the potential redevelopment of the Daylesford Town Hall into a community facilities hub.

Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said the appointees cover a broad cross-section of the community including gender diversity, LGBTQI+ people, people living with a disability, young families, community groups, seniors groups, arts, library, tourism, and events interests, and those with broader community connections. 

“The PAG membership also encompasses individuals with a diverse array of skills, such as project management, community engagement, marketing and communication, local government, technology and innovation.  We appreciate the time, effort and expertise these members will be putting towards this important project,” said Cr Hood. 

Council has also appointed a lead architect for the Daylesford Community Facilities Project, k20 Architecture, to examine the design and development of a multi-function assembly hall and contemporary library at the Daylesford Town Hall site which includes the Town Hall, office accommodation and Senior Citizens' room. 

“The architectural and design elements of the multi-phase project will begin with a feasibility and schematic design study. Depending on the outcome of that study and availability of future funding, detailed design and construction will follow,” said Cr Hood. 

Of the eighteen high-quality submissions, the tender has been awarded to k20 Architecture, and the delivery of future stages are subject to outcomes of the feasibility study and future funding. 

The first stage of contracted services covers extensive community and stakeholder engagement, and close liaison with the PAG.

Council now invites individuals under the age of 25 years, or people with youth engagement experience, to apply for a position on the PAG. An expression of interest is available online at EOIs are open until 5pm Wednesday 5 June 2024.