Media statement – The Block in Daylesford in 2025

Published on 12 July 2024

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Council is aware of the decision by the producers of The Block to choose Daylesford for filming of the 2025 season, at the corner of Raglan Street and the Midland Highway in Daylesford.

Council originally approved the five-dwelling development by developer Hygge at the October 2023 meeting, with a significant number of conditions, including the retention and protection of all Avenue of Honour trees. This decision was appealed at VCAT by residents, after which the Minister for Planning issued a permit allowing the development.  The Minister’s permit includes a number of requirements around landscaping, construction, stormwater and environmentally sustainable design.

Daylesford will provide a picturesque backdrop for the filming of The Block, and it is anticipated that the production will generate a boost for the local economy. We would strongly encourage producers, contestants and the support crew to shop and eat local to ensure economic benefits flow back into our community.

Cr Brian Hood, Mayor