Join the LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee

Published on 22 December 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Council is establishing an LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee to provide it with advice on programs and services to improve inclusion throughout the Shire and nominations are now open.

Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie, said that Council is proud of its diversity and believes that communities are enriched when people regardless of their background or identity are embraced and supported to participate and contribute to community life.

“Membership on the committee will represent the range of interests and needs of LGBTIQA+ people in the Hepburn Shire. We want diversity, including culture, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, employment, life stage, and community groups,” said Cr Drylie.

The objectives of the LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee are to:

• Advocate on behalf of LGBTIQA+ people within the Hepburn community and beyond

• Provide feedback and advice to Council on its policies, plans and services that impact on the LGBTIQA+ community

• Consider and provide advice on key government initiatives, programs and reviews that impact on LGBTIQA+ communities

• Consider funding and other opportunities as they may arise

• Assist Council to promote the benefits of diversity and enhance understanding about the barriers to equality facing LGBTIQA+ communities

• Promote and assist Council to celebrate LGBTIQA+ days of significance and events.

The LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee is a reference group and not a decision-making body.

Community members are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest form by 27 January 2022.

Find more information and an application form at