Join the Heather Mutimer International Women's Day Advisory Committee

Published on 22 July 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Council is calling for suitably qualified or experienced community members to join the Heather Mutimer International Women’s Day Advisory Committee.

The Heather Mutimer International Women’s Day Honour Roll was launched in 2005 and each year, as part of the week of International Women’s Day, up to five names are added to the Honour Roll.

The Honour Roll celebrates and recognises women who have advanced gender equity, exhibit leadership qualities, share individual skills and knowledge, create an environment towards long-term and sustainable change and contribute creative, unique and innovative ideas or initiatives.

The Advisory Committee was established in 2009 and continues to be integral to the Heather Mutimer International Women’s Day Honour Roll.

We are looking for members who have:

• An interest, knowledge and understanding of relevant practices that advance women’s rights.

• Direct links to local community populations and/or organisations.

• Experience and/or understanding of the role of an advisory committee.

Expressions of Interest are now open and close Friday 6 August 2021.

For those interested in applying, please read the Terms of Reference at

Applications will be online at

For enquiries, please contact Bridgette O’Brien, Events Officer on email or phone 0439 481 306.