Hepburn Together shifts focus to health and wellbeing

Published on 25 March 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Council has moved to Stage 3 of the Hepburn Together project, which means its focus is now on identifying ways to improve community health and wellbeing.

Each local council in Victoria must develop a Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan, and Hepburn Shire Council is undertaking this important work in collaboration with Central Highlands Rural Health.

To inform the plan, Council has launched a survey seeking community feedback on general health, mental health, support services, positive ageing, exercise and dietary habits, safety, community challenges and more.

“Once again, we are calling on our community to spend some time sharing your thoughts and ideas about ways that Council and other agencies can provide support to improve health and wellbeing,” said Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt.

“Among other things, this survey asks you to select the top three things you think we should focus on in relation to health and wellbeing in the shire.

“Perhaps increasing active living might be your priority – or reducing preventable diseases or tackling climate change. There are so many areas and we are very keen to hear your ideas,” she said.

Developing a Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan is part of the Hepburn Together Project, which also includes a ten-year Community Vision, and four-year Council Plan.

“We are so appreciative of all the time that our community has contributed to this project,” said Cr Hewitt.

“People have been so generous with feedback, and it will make a real difference to guide our focus for the coming years. Thank you for helping us to get this right.”

To complete the survey, follow the links to the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan at https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/.

Printed surveys are available at Council’s customer service counters in Creswick, Daylesford, Clunes and Trentham, and at the Central Highlands Rural Health campuses.

The survey closes on Wednesday 7 April.