Help to develop Hepburn Shire's First Arts & Culture Strategy
Published on 03 May 2022
Hepburn Shire Council is calling for community input as it develops its first Arts and Culture Strategy.
Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie, said that Hepburn Shire is renowned for its creative and innovative arts community and would love to hear from local residents and creatives to guide the development of the four-year strategy.
“Hepburn Shire is home to a celebrated and important artist population and hosts a broad selection of arts organisations and creative sector businesses. We are also home to a culturally rich and diverse community that is invested in and eager to engage with the arts.”
“Arts and culture play an essential role in enhancing social connectedness and community wellbeing in our Shire, and they contribute in many ways to our identity, liveability and ongoing sustainability.”
“Arts and culture can mean different things to different people, but we know that supporting creative initiatives helps to grow and sustain local talent, gives emphasis to our diverse traditions and abilities, and connects us in inclusive and meaningful ways so that everyone has an opportunity to flourish.”
Council is inviting the community to play a part in developing the four-year strategy by completing a short online survey.
“The first step in developing the strategy is the creation of a shared vision that the community, creative sector and Council can work towards,” said Cr Tim Drylie.
The strategy will define key priority areas where Council can focus on services, programs and facilities so that the creative community can thrive.
Council will also host creative community conversations about arts and culture through a series of face-to-face and online focus groups across the Shire.
Face-to-face session details:
- Saturday 14 May 2022, Creswick, 9:30am to 10:30am
- Saturday 14 May 2022, Clunes, 12 noon to 1pm
- Saturday 14 May 2022, Trentham, 3pm to 4pm
- Thursday 19 May 2022, Daylesford, 4pm to 5pm
Online focus groups will also be held:
- Wednesday 18 May 2022, 12 noon to 1pm
- Wednesday 18 May 2022, 4pm to 5pm
- Thursday 19 May 2022, 12 noon to 1pm
- Thursday 19 May 2022, 4pm to 5pm
Bookings are essential. For more information and to complete the survey visit The survey closes on Friday, 3 June 2022.