Have your say on the pool season

Published on 25 March 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Now that the pool season is over, Hepburn Shire Council wants to hear from you!

If you visited your local pool or aquatic facility over summer, Council invites you to complete a short survey to provide feedback on your experience.

Complete the survey and tell Council your reasons for visiting, feedback on the facilities and activities, kiosk, opening hours and more.

“Our pools and splash park were very popular over summer, with more than 15,000 visits to the pools, even though we had a very cool summer,” said Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt.

“This was the second summer in a row that we offered free pool entry, so it was good to see these community facilities being well used,” said Cr Hewitt.

“Your feedback will help the next pool season be even better than ever. I really encourage you to have your say.”

The survey takes about five minutes and will be open until 5.00pm on Friday 2 April 2021.

Complete the survey at https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/