Have your say on early years

Published on 04 November 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Do you have children in your life aged 0 to 12 years?

Hepburn Shire Council is developing an Early Years Strategy and is interested in hearing from parents and carers about their experiences, current services, along with ideas to make our Shire even better for children.

Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt, said the strategy will cover a range of areas.

“In developing this Early Years Strategy we will explore areas such as physical and emotional health and wellbeing, access to services, family violence and the impact of COVID-19 on children 12 years and under,” said Cr Hewitt.

“We’ll be liaising with service providers such as schools and kindergartens, but in the first instance we really want to hear from parents and carers of children to get a sense of their ideas and experiences,” she said.

“The strategy will help to guide Council as we work with other agencies, service providers, schools and kinders to ensure our Shire is a great place for young children.”

Council is inviting parents and carers to complete a short online survey. The survey is open until 5pm on Friday 26 November. It is available via https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/earlyyears-strategy.

Council will also seek feedback from young people to get their insight into how to create an even better place to grow up.

Council will develop the strategy next year, and will invite community feedback throughout the process.

For more information contact Kate Procter, Council’s Coordinator Early Years and Healthy Communities, on kprocter@hepburn.vic.gov.au or 5321 6453.

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