Have your say on Council's 2021-2031 Financial Plan

Published on 23 September 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Council has prepared its ten-year Financial Plan to support the draft ten-year Community Vision, four-year Council Plan and various other plans and strategies.

“This financial plan is the first of its type to be completed by Hepburn Shire Council as part of the new Local Government Act 2020, and is a plan that we will monitor as part of the annual budget process,” said Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt.

“The plan sets out a path for us to manage our resources responsibly and sustainably,” said Cr Hewitt.

The financial plan outlines the resources required to deliver the Council Plan and ensure that Council is investing in assets that the community values and that services remain affordable and accessible.

There have been no major changes to income or expenditure plans as part of the plan, however Council has committed to an annual update and will reflect changes to the financial plan when adopting new strategies.

The financial plan is informed by input through the Hepburn Together Project which heard from over 9.1% of our entire community who participated in community pop-up sessions, online surveys, a community panel and collaborative workshops.

Contributors to the Hepburn Together project responded to a number of financial questions such as what Council should spend more and less money on, how to fund new initiatives and services.

“We heard from our community that they value investment in infrastructure and amenity, including preservation of history, along with sustainability and environment and health and community services,” said Cr Hewitt.

“We also heard the community wants Council to spend less money on external consultants, staffing, administration and expanding beyond the traditional role and responsibilities of local government, along with infrastructure and amenity relating to major projects, particularly high-risk projects, or those that have low socio-economic benefit.

“We encourage you to review the ten-year Financial Plan and let us know what you think. We welcome your feedback by Wednesday October 6,” said Cr Hewitt.

Find the ten-year Financial Plan and complete a short survey at https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/hepburn-together or visit our libraries to read a copy.

Council will consider the plan for adoption at a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday 26 October 2021, when also considering the Community Vision and Council Plan for adoption.

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