Guidelines endorsed for nature strips & firewood collection/salvaging

Published on 20 October 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

At last night’s meeting, the Local Law No.2 Guidelines were endorsed.

These guidelines govern planting on nature strips, firewood collection and salvaging at our transfer stations.

Council formed three separate community reference groups and held three facilitated sessions for each group to understand the views of the community.

Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt, said that the guidelines were drafted by each of the reference groups which comprised community members, Councillors and Council staff.

“The groups have done a fantastic job in working together with Council to develop these guidelines. It was important that we heard from the community while also ensuring that the guidelines comply with relevant legislation,” said Cr Hewitt. “We believe this balance has been struck and the guidelines clearly outline the rights and responsibilities for community members,” she said.

The guidelines for planting on nature strips have established a clear set of rules for nature strip (verge planting) for residential and rural nature strips. Planting options range from natives through to edible gardens. This guideline is not retrospective, but relates to vegetation planted from now onwards.

The salvaging guidelines focus on improving accessibility to Council’s waste transfer station goods, and focus on re-using and re-purposing materials dropped to the transfer stations and how best to do this.

The firewood collection guidelines were developed to protect biodiversity, community safety and allow for firewood collection in Council designated areas.

“The guidelines, developed by the three reference groups, are strong and include most of the community wish list, while providing clarity on what is permitted on Council land.

"Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in being part of the reference groups, and the group members for their hard work and dedication to the process.

"There will be more information available on the guidelines on our website over the coming weeks,” said Cr Hewitt.

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