Glenlyon Recreation Reserve soil contamination update
Published on 09 June 2021
Potential soil contamination was identified at the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve in September 2019.
Following the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) instruction, and extending on previous work carried out, Council undertook a Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) on soil, groundwater and surface water at the site to better understand the extent of any contamination on the site.
Council is subsequently required to develop a Clean Up Plan (CUP) and Remedial Options Assessment (ROA), to be audited by an independent consultant and then provided to the EPA.
The independent auditor is currently undertaking this work.
The EPA has granted an extension for the completion of the Clean Up Plan and Remedial Options Assessment, to October.
This new timeline was required to enable the two consultants to complete the works and ensure any possible management/remediation options are thoroughly and properly considered.
The existing temporary precautionary measures remain in place until further notice, including temporary fencing, changed lawn mowing routines, signage and assistance with events.
Council continues to liaise with the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Community Asset Community regarding these and other relevant developments regarding the project.
Council will keep the community informed of any further developments.
When results are known and the CUP and ROA reports are submitted to the EPA, Council will be in a position to consider future management or remediation options for the site.
If you have any queries regarding this project, please contact the project manager, Gary Learmonth on