Final decision made to withdraw from aged and disability services
Published on 15 March 2022
Hepburn Shire Council has made a final decision to withdraw from delivering aged and disability services.
Council has been a long-term provider of aged and disability services for the community. Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie, said that this was not an easy decision for Council, but the interests of clients, families and carers, staff and the community was central to making this important decision.
“Significant and continuing reforms by the Commonwealth Government means that Council is not best positioned to continue providing these services,” said Cr Drylie.
Reforms involve major changes to the way home support programs are funded, planned and delivered. The aim of these reforms is to increase the number of service providers, and create more choice and flexibility for recipients of services. These reforms have resulted in a reduced role of local government in delivering direct care services, making it difficult for councils to continue.
The Commonwealth Government is responsible for the selection and appointment of any new provider of services. However, Council led an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to identify and recommend an appropriate “values aligned” provider.
“The EOI process was conducted on a confidential basis to identify and recommend a potential values-aligned future provider. Having made the decision to withdraw from the delivery of this service, we will now make our recommendation to the Commonwealth. They will make the final decision on whether the provider is selected to take over service delivery,” said Cr Drylie.
We will be notifying the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments of the decision to exit. While Council will cease direct service delivery, it will continue and enhance its roles in supporting the community and is in the process of developing a Positive Ageing Strategy.
“We remain committed and will be exploring what services we can deliver to support people that need assistance, particularly older people, people living with a disability and vulnerable members of the community.” “Council will continue to fund and deliver a range of programs and services, including our commitment to the development of a Positive Ageing Strategy. We will work closely and constructively with the new service provider during the transition period and into the future,” said Cr Drylie.
“Vulnerable members of the community will continue to be protected and supported beyond the transition period. We are also committed to providing support to our committed staff, many who are nearing retirement age or may be transitioning to other service providers.”
Bradley Thomas, CEO, said that staff have been kept informed and supported throughout this decision-making process.
“We value the important contribution our staff have made to the community in the sector. We will continue to provide them with support as we near the transition date of 30 June 2022,” said Mr Thomas.
For more information on the decision, including frequently asked questions, visit
Motion That Council:
1. Notes that since 2011 the Commonwealth has progressed implementation of a consistent and integrated national aged care service system based on increased consumer choice and control and competition between providers to drive quality improvements and service efficiencies with a final transition date of 1 July 2023.
2. Accepts that due to inherent service cost, financial constraints, competition policy and other structural challenges, Hepburn Shire Council along with many other Victorian councils will not be able to play a meaningful future role in service delivery.
3. Confirms that it will transition out of direct service delivery roles in the following programs:
a) All funded Commonwealth Home Support Programme services
i. Domestic Assistance
ii. Personal Care
iii. Flexible Respite
iv. Social Support – Individual
v. Home Maintenance and Modifications
vi. Social Support – Group
vii. Centre-based Respite Care
viii. Food Services Other
b) All HACC-PYP funded services
i. All funded activities
4. Seeks Commonwealth permission to continue to operate the following program under its agreement:
i. Commonwealth Home Support Program
1. Sector Support and Development
2. Senior Citizens Groups
5. Commits to working with the Commonwealth and Victorian governments to negotiate timing and transition processes that will protect the interests of clients, their families, much valued staff, and the broader community.
6. Notes that under its service agreements all processes and matters related to the transition process will remain confidential until the Commonwealth and Victorian governments provide consent for release of information.
7. Reaffirms that in taking this decision it will continue to play an active role in ensuring its community will receive high-quality aged care services and will advocate for the needs of vulnerable members of the community.
8. Commits to the values and principles outlined in Appendix A of the report to underpin and support decision making through the transition process.
9. Notes that Council has undertaken an expression of interest process and has identified a valuesaligned potential provider that it will recommend to the Commonwealth on a without-prejudice basis.
10. Realigns its policy direction towards future investment in age-friendly or positive-ageing initiatives and ensuring that Council’s universal services and facilities are designed to meet the needs of a growing population of older residents. Further policy work and recommended directions will be referred to the 2022/23 budget process for review and approval.
11. Notes that Council’s policy objective of ensuring that older adults seeking to live independently in the community will be provided with quality home support services will not be compromised by this decision. Services will continue to be provided and Council will be able to reinvest its current ratepayer subsidy into alternative strategic priorities.
12. Provides delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer, or their nominee, to undertake or commission all tasks and activities related to the implementation of this council decision.
13. Appoints the Mayor and CEO as spokespersons for all matters related to the Home Support Transition process.
14. Approves immediate notification of its final decision to, and appropriate consultation with:
- Clients and families,
- Staff and union representatives,
- Commonwealth and State funding bodies,
- Media and other communications,
- Broader community;
15. will act as an advocate for the needs of the community and will hold accountable Commonwealth and State Governments and the appointed home support providers for the delivery of quality services to the Hepburn community.