Draft of Sustainable Hepburn strategy open for feedback
Published on 17 June 2022
Council has released the draft Sustainable Hepburn strategy to the community for feedback. Sustainable Hepburn 2022-26 will be Council’s updated commitment to environmental sustainability and has been developed with the community over the past eight months.
Sustainable Hepburn is grounded in community sentiment with a dedicated Community Reference Group shaping the action plans and the broader community indicating their priorities towards the beginning of the project.
Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie said that Sustainable Hepburn 2022-26 acknowledges the interconnected nature of climate change, biodiversity and waste management and the need for Local Government to be at the forefront of implementing and facilitating local solutions and advocating for change at other levels.
“The strategy updates Council’s commitment to further reduce our corporate greenhouse gas emissions, protect and enhance our local biodiversity, transition to a low waste Shire and become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Sustainable Hepburn includes actions for Council to reduce the impacts of its own operations as well as to empower community to be the change,” said Cr Tim Drylie.
““Think Global - Act Local, Act Now”, accurately reflects the intent of this strategy. Thriving, safe, just, resilient and sustainable local communities, living respectfully within planetary boundaries, is at the heart of Sustainable Hepburn. In partnership with Traditional Owners, the broader community and other stakeholders we believe we can make a difference to achieve our emissions reduction targets and heal country together.”
The four themes of Sustainable Hepburn are Beyond zero emissions, Natural environment and biodiversity, Low waste and Climate resilience. Tourism contributes over $106 million annually to Hepburn Shire’s economy as visitors seek out and enjoy the benefits of our forests and waterways, our walking and cycling trails and the comfortable pleasures of dining on gourmet food and wine produced locally.
“Our beautiful natural environment is one of the draw cards for and underpins our local economy. Sustainable Hepburn recognises that we depend on our ecosystems and biodiversity for life, and it is increasingly important to achieve a balance between people and place. This involves reducing our emissions, protecting our biodiversity and water, seeing waste as a resource and being prepared for climate change impacts such as extreme weather,” said Cr Tim Drylie.
Council would like to hear from the community on the draft Sustainable Hepburn strategy by 8 July 2022. Visit Sustainable Hepburn | Participate Hepburn.