Have your say on potential community batteries
Published on 24 June 2022
Hepburn Shire residents and businesses can now have their say about community batteries via a new survey, delivered as part of the ‘Community Sparks’ project, funded by the State Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative.
This project is assessing potential models and sites for community batteries in the Shire, with this survey seeking to capture local priorities and concerns regarding the technology.
Led by the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, in partnership with Hepburn Energy and the Hepburn Shire Council, the project team hopes to create tailored community battery models that will meet local aspirations.
Hepburn Shire Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie, has greatly encouraged community members to jump online and fill in the survey.
“We know community batteries have lots of potential, like helping unlock more residential solar, reduce household bills or improving grid resilience and stability, but the ideal solution may vary from community to community, which is why your input is so important,” said Cr Drylie.
Hepburn Energy’s General Manager Taryn Lane, highlighted that the survey would be just one opportunity for community members to have their say on batteries, with focus groups also on the horizon.
“We’d keen to capture a wide range of views and interests across our community and then to follow up with focus groups to have more in-depth conversations with local people,” stated Ms Lane.
If you would like to fill in the survey you can find it on the Councils Participate Hepburn site. Those who complete the survey, can go in the draw to win a $250 gift voucher for a dinner at Daylesford restaurant, Beppe.
You can fill in the survey here: https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/community-sparks
Contact information
Hepburn Wind
Taryn Lane
General Manager
Phone: 0458 048 287
Email: taryn.lane@hepburnwind.com.au