Council is upgrading some important system software on Friday 21 February and Monday 24 February. You can still make payments in person, online and over the phone, but our Customer Experience staff may not have access to all your property information. Thank you for your patience.
The first Council meeting for 2025 is taking place on Tuesday 25 February at 6 pm in-person and online.
Published on 01 September 2023
Hepburn Shire Council has released draft masterplans for Queens Park and Pioneer Park in Clunes and invites the community to have a say on the future direction of these important community sites.
Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said masterplans seek to identify and address gaps in infrastructure requirements and so community input is essential.
“These masterplans aim to improve accessibility and safety; but also to increase participation, visitation and connections for the community. Local voices are vital in making sure we get this right,” said Cr Hood.
The draft masterplan includes 18 potential actions at Pioneer Park and 17 at Queens Park.
Some of the ideas for Pioneer Park include new accessible paths, better seating, improved lighting, off-street car-parking, establishment of a formal lookout point at the historical sign and marker, along with new interpretive and wayfinding signage. The draft masterplan also suggests investigation of upgrades to, or the possible relocation of, the skate park.
Improvement ideas for Queens Park include accessibility upgrades to gravel tracks and carparks, improvements to lighting along the Creek Walk, better wayfinding signage to town centre and public toilets, playground improvements, new seating and picnic settings, refurbishment of the Queens Park Fountain, tree planting, and safer pedestrian access and connections.
“The draft masterplans are aspirational. Works are not yet included in Council’s long-term financial planning, but they seek to guide future investment in these community assets. The scope and cost of works would need to be considered in the context of other Council priorities, expenditure and the availability of external funding sources,” he said.
The draft masterplans are available at, with feedback accepted until 5pm on Friday 22 September.
Project Advisory Group
During the development of the draft masterplan for the Clunes Recreation Reserve, community interest has evolved to consider an alternative option in servicing the future provision of sport and active recreation at an alternative greenfield site in Clunes.
To investigate this option further, Council is inviting community members to apply to join a Clunes Recreation Provision Feasibility Project Advisory Group (PAG). The PAG would work with Council to provide input into the development of the working draft Clunes Recreation Reserve Masterplan and determine how quality infrastructure could be provided that promotes community connection and active participation in Clunes.
Expressions of interest to join the PAG are open until 5pm on Wednesday 13 September 2023 and can be made via Council’s Participate Hepburn website.
Community pop-in session
Council will hold a pop-in session in Clunes for the community to discuss the draft Queens Park and Pioneer Park masterplans and the PAG with our Sport and Active Recreation Team. The session will be held on Saturday 9 September, with people able to drop in anytime between 10am and 12pm at the Ulumbarra Room at The Warehouse - Clunes.