Cr Tim Drylie and Cr Jen Bray elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor
Published on 17 November 2021
At the statutory meeting last night, Council elected Cr Tim Drylie (Creswick Ward) and Cr Jen Bray (Birch Ward) as Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie, thanked his councillor colleagues and staff for their support.
“The opportunity to serve the Hepburn Shire community as Mayor is such an honour and I’m both thrilled and humbled. I feel very lucky to live and work in such a beautiful part of the world. This shire is richly abundant in natural assets that we are fortunate to have to explore, appreciate, and protect.
“I take comfort that our Council can draw strength from and respond to the wisdom of a creative, hardworking and diverse community.
"The year ahead may still present uncertainties as we once again emerge and deal with the physical, mental and financial stresses of the COVID pandemic, the damage from unprecedented Climate Change related weather events and constant adaptation to new and different ways of relating, living and working together.
“Over the next year, I wish to continue the good work that this Council has begun in forging positive and more engaged relations with our community. We need to listen, foster local expertise and support our resilient, diverse systems including our businesses, industries, farming and community health and wellbeing,” said Cr Drylie.
Bradley Thomas, CEO, congratulated Councillors Drylie and Bray on their election.
"The election of Cr Tim Drylie and Cr Jen Bray as Mayor and Deputy Mayor is recognition of the great work they do on behalf of their communities.
"Cr Drylie and Cr Bray will be important leaders as we deliver the commitments outlined in the Community Vison and Council Plan, a significant milestone over the last year.
"I look forward to working with the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor as we navigate the current COVID environment and storm recovery, while delivering many services our communities.
"I would like to extend my thanks to Cr Lesley Hewitt and Cr Brian Hood for their support and work in the community over the past 12 months, and in particular bringing together a very new Councillor group," said Mr Thomas.
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