Published on 18 February 2025
Hepburn Shire Council is pleased to once again offer residents a reusable product voucher to reduce the upfront costs associated with purchasing certain products.
Council has partnered with Kyneton business Darlings Downunder to provide residents with a voucher to reduce the cost of transitioning from disposable nappy, period and incontinence products to more sustainable and reusable options.
Mayor, Cr Don Henderson, said that the program would benefit families, young people and some of the older people in our community.
“Making the switch to reusable products is the right thing to do for the environment, and for the hip pocket, in the long run. By reducing the upfront costs associated with reusable products, we can help our young people, families and older folk access these products,” said Cr Henderson.
Each household in the Shire can access one $50 voucher to purchase eligible items:
The program runs until 31 May 2025, unless funds are exhausted prior. Minimum spend $50.
Disposable nappies, period and incontinence products are one of the state’s biggest landfill issues and approximately 660 million disposable products end up in landfill in Australia each year. Every child will use on average 6,000-7,000 nappies before they toilet train and over the course of a lifetime a menstruator will use between 5,000 and 15,000 period products. Choosing reusable products can significantly impact the number of disposable products being sent to landfill.
More information can be found on the Reduce your waste webpage.