Council awards bridge and road contracts

Published on 21 July 2021

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Council has awarded two contracts at its July Council Meeting, one to reconstruct a road in Smeaton and the other to strengthen two bridges in Mount Prospect and Rocklyn.

Council will reconstruct a 1.6km section of Daylesford Clunes Road in Smeaton, between intersections at Creswick Newstead Road and Cowies Road.

The road reconstruction will upgrade the last single lane section between Blampied and Clunes.

Works are expected to start in August and be completed by September, weather permitting.

Council awarded the road contract to Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd.

It is 50:50 funded by Council and the Department of Infrastructure through the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program.

Two reinforced concrete bridges will be strengthened on Telegraph Road in Mount Prospect and Blampied Mollongghup Road in Rocklyn.

The project will strengthen the bridge decks, allowing them to safely carry larger loads and remove any potential for future load limits.

Works are expected to take four weeks per location and will commence in mid-August.

The works will be staged to minimise disruption to the public. One bridge location will be closed at any one time.

Council awarded the contract to Ontrack Earthworks Pty Ltd.

The Telegraph Road project is 50:50 funded by Council and the Department of Infrastructure through the Bridge Renewal Program Round 5.

The Blampied Mollongghip Road project is fully funded through the Department of Agriculture’s Agrilinks program.