Community satisfaction survey increases in many service areas

Published on 25 June 2024

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Council has defied the statewide trend of declining community satisfaction by receiving steady or improving satisfaction results in many service areas. The Community Satisfaction Survey seeks the opinion of residents about the operations of Council. The State Government commissioned survey administered by JWS Research is now conducted quarterly in Hepburn Shire, rather than yearly. 

Results from the most recent Survey, which covers the period 1 June 2023 to 18 March 2024, reveal 72 per cent of survey respondents rated the Shire’s overall performance as ‘average and above’, an increase from 70% in the previous year.

Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said it was pleasing to see improvements in many of the key metrics.

“We recognise Council has lots more to do to improve its service delivery, but seeing this upward trend in many service areas is a further step in the right direction.”

“Of the 17 service areas surveyed, Council recorded improved results in 12 areas compared to the last survey and the same result in one area.  There was a decline in satisfaction in four service areas,” he said.

“Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. The Community Satisfaction Survey is one of many tools that we use to inform future planning and programs of work and supports continuous improvement in service delivery,” said Cr Hood.

The full survey results of the 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey can be read at Council performance.