Community plan outlines vision for Lyonville

Published on 20 October 2021

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At the meeting last night, Council acknowledged the Lyonville Community Plan and the contribution of community members who had worked hard to prepare it.

Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt, said that Council officers worked with the community to form a new community planning group, led by four Lyonville residents Jordan Koster, Shelley Bowen, Vicki Jackson and Greg Jones.

“These members of the Lyonville community reviewed the previous Community Plan and undertook significant community engagement over the past year to understand the vision and values of the community into the future,” said Cr Hewitt.

“A tremendous amount of work went into this plan and we thank and acknowledge the tireless contribution of everyone involved,” she said.

The Lyonville Community Plan includes six key goals and focus areas:

Goal 1: To develop and implement a strategy to ensure a sustainable and protected environment, preparing us for the future.

Goal 2: To embrace tourism, sharing the assets of Lyonville whilst maintaining our village feel and protecting our environment.

Goal 3: To develop a heritage strategy that understands and emphasises our history, our future and our culture and art, with deep respect for our Indigenous history.

Goal 4: To grow and build our network of community members engaged in leading and delivering the actions in Our Lyonville Plan. 

Goal 5: To develop a mechanism to work together and with service providers to understand and ensure a transparent and collaborative approach to town planning and regulation to maintain our village feel and look.

Goal 6: To develop a strategic approach to infrastructure, roads, rubbish, signage and painting which maintains the look and feel of Lyonville.

The implementation of the Plan remains the responsibility of the Lyonville community.

Council will continue to support the community through the Community Partnership team and potential funding through Community Planning Implementation Fund, and support with other grant funding opportunities.

At the meeting, Council also endorsed a Community Planning Program more broadly and community planning documents, including Community Planning Guidelines, Community Planning Policy, Community Planning Group Charter and a Memorandum of Understanding for the Community Planning Groups.

Community Planning is a community development activity that is place based and community led. Each community brings its strengths and unique skills to the process as they identify and then action local priorities.

Council is committed to rolling out community plans across our shire.

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