Call for new members for Artisan Agriculture Project Advisory Group

Published on 08 July 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Hepburn Shire Council is inviting artisan agriculture producers and growers from the Hepburn Shire and broader Central Highlands region to submit an Expression of Interest for one of three vacant roles on the Project Advisory Group.

The three (3) year Artisan Agriculture Project funded by Agriculture Victoria and Council, started in February 2020 to better understand the needs of our artisan agriculture businesses and how the project can help support the sector to:

  • Raise the profile of artisan agriculture producers so they can thrive and expand
  • Increase access to sector relevant services, so producers can sustain their business
  • Increase better access and use of a shared infrastructure within the region and more broadly
  • Increase financial resilience and stability by expanding access to government grants and reducing barriers to finance for producers
  • Increase sector capability and confidence to navigate food and planning regulations
  • Increase awareness of competing land use pressures on the sector to Local and State Government regulators.

Bradley Thomas, CEO, said that the Project Advisory Group role is to assist the Council in the successful delivery of the project by providing key insights of industry trends and increase awareness of the Artisan Agriculture sector.

Areas of responsibility are:

  • Attend bi-monthly meetings
  • Support and assist with researching, consultations and validations of the agreed barriers for the sectors
  • Help promote a shared knowledge, understanding and increase awareness of the sector
  • Provide advice on the issues and concerns of industry and recommend ways forward in designing interventions and pathways to mitigate barriers
  • Assist with testing the proposed interventions with key stakeholders and industry sector
  • Assist with the evaluation of the impact of the implemented strategies.
  • Expressions of Interest are via an online form, visit

    If you would like further information on the project or the Expression of Interest please contact Sharon Hebbard on or 5321 6129.