Council releases Community Satisfaction Survey results
Published on 11 August 2022
Hepburn Shire Council has released the results of the Community Satisfaction Survey, with results falling slightly following the improvement seen in 2021.
Mayor, Cr Tim Drylie said Council has reviewed the results and noted the opportunities for improvement.
“While we continued to do well in tourism development, there was a fall in a number of areas, including community satisfaction on recreational facilities, sealed local roads and community decisions,” said Cr Drylie.
Data from JWS Research shows that community satisfaction with councils right across Victoria has fallen since last year.
“While there certainly was a correction from 2021, there have been minor gains from the results in 2020, which is still positive to see. We saw gains during this period across areas of waste management, consultation and engagement and community decisions,” said Cr Drylie.
“We expect the significant flooding and storm events over the last year, which impacted so much of our Shire, has influenced community satisfaction, as has major decisions such as our aged care transition, the Aquatic Strategy and The Rex. However, the results certainly give us an understanding of where the community would like us to improve, particularly around demonstrating value for money, reiterating council direction, sealed local roads, planning and building permits and council decisions.”
The highest performing areas for Council were customer service, waste management, tourism development and appearance of public areas.
“This survey uncovered that a lot of people (76%) in our community have contact with Council, considerably more than in other Shires. Respondents also said they prefer to hear about Council via our e-newsletter Hepburn Life, so if you haven’t already subscribed, I encourage you to do so at”
Council conducts a Community Satisfaction Survey each year to understand opportunities for improvement or development. This involves independent market research agency National Field Service carrying out phone interviews (both to land and mobile phones) with 400 residents across the Shire.
The surveys will be conducted quarterly, rather than annually in 2022/2023. The cost to Council does not change, but the benefits are a more accurate reflection of themes at different points throughout the year. Many Victorian councils have made the same change.
The Community Satisfaction Survey results are available on Council’s website.