Apply now to join the Hepburn Together Community Panel

Published on 18 March 2021

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If you are passionate about your community and would like to help shape its direction, Hepburn Shire Council invites you to apply to be part of a new Hepburn Together Community Panel.

The panel will be made up of 40 community members who will attend three meetings to review, discuss and help to guide the Community Vision and Council Plan, which are being developed as part of the Hepburn Together project.

“Panel members will have the opportunity to consider the feedback from the latest stage of community engagement and come up with ideas to inform our four and 10-year strategic plans,” said Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt.

“The panel will be made up of a mixture of both randomly selected and self-selected members, which was the clear preference of the community when we developed our Community Engagement Policy,” said Cr Hewitt.

“We have sent letters to a random sample of residents inviting them to apply to join the panel. If you have received a letter, I encourage you to apply,” she said.

“We would also like to hear from other people who are interested to join the panel.It’s important that our panel of volunteers reflects our community in every way – across age, gender, culture, education, industry, employment, location of residence and more.”

Selection for the panel will be based on these factors.

To express your interest to join the Hepburn Together Community Panel, complete a short survey via by 26 March 2021.

To learn more about the Community Panel, contact Michelle Whyte, Community Partnership Coordinator, on 03 5348 2306 or