$3.5M boost for Trentham hub

Published on 11 May 2021

Hepburn Shire Council logo

Council has today received confirmation that the State Labor Government will provide a $3.5M grant towards the construction of the Trentham Community Hub.

The centrally located facility will include a library, visitor information centre, Council customer service counter, hall and community meeting spaces.

Minister for Regional Development and Local Member of Parliament Mary-Anne Thomas made the announcement in Trentham this afternoon.

Mayor, Cr Lesley Hewitt, said the significant government funding commitment means that construction is likely to begin next year.

“We are very pleased to receive this funding as part of the Victorian Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund,” said Cr Hewitt.

“It will make such a difference for residents in Trentham and the Coliban Ward to have a wide range of services centrally located. We are very excited to be able to deliver this project for our community,” she said.

The hub will be centrally located on High Street at the Trentham Mechanics Institute, which will be restored and incorporated into the new facility.

“We have made updates to the design based on community feedback and recent consultation has shown high levels of support,” said Cr Hewitt.

“Thank you to community members on the Project Advisory Group (PAG) whose hard work has been critical to the success of the design,” she said.

Di Clausen has lived in the Trentham district for ten years and is a member of the PAG and Life Activities Group. Di said she is thrilled the project will begin soon. 

“I feel the hub is so right for our community. Everything will be located together and we’ve had very positive feedback from the community about the appearance, size and floor plan,” she said.

“It will be a great meeting place for our growing community. “I’ve enjoyed having input and talking with the community. It’s been terrific to have a role in the hub design and consultation process.”

Council Interim CEO Bradley Thomas said the hub is a priority project for Council.

“This is a major project for our Shire and part of our Investment Plan for the future. We could not deliver this key project without government support, so we are very grateful to be able to build this facility for our community,” said Mr Thomas.

“We will continue to work with other levels of government and local groups to advocate for funding towards projects that benefit our Shire,” he said.

The Trentham community identified the hub as a priority project in a review of local facilities in 2013.

It has been designed to be highly flexible, catering to a wide range of community groups and events.

The hub will accommodate up to 245 people for a standing function, and up to 160 at a seated function.

Council will consider the final concept design at the June Council Meeting, before completing detailed design and a public tender for construction. The total cost of the project is estimated at $4.62M, of which Council will contribute at least $800,000.

Details of the project are available online at https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/trentham-community-hub.