Delivering major projects is an important part of what Council achieves each year. Major projects are featured on our Participate Hepburn website, along with opportunities to have your say.
Click through to read more about some of our major projects:
Trentham Community Hub - includes a new community library, Visitor Information Centre, Council customer service counter, meeting rooms and multi-functional community hall. This $4.62M project is underway and will be delivered in 2023.
Creswick Trails and Hammon Park Trailhead - Construction of the trailhead is underway, which includes learn-to-ride tracks, cyclocross jumps, a nature plan area and accessible facilities. Construction of the Creswick Trails will commence in early 2023, which will see 60km of mountain bike trails constructed in the Regional Park and State Forest.
Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens - A project to enhance the visitor experience at our beautiful Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens in Daylesford. The project includes installing more accessible pathways, improvements to the Alf Headland Conservatory, improvements to the forecourt of the Pioneer Memorial Tower and day basin, and refurbishing the day basin and fernery cascade waterfall.
New pavilion for Trentham Sportsground Reserve - This pavilion will be a terrific community space for Trentham, with function and meeting areas, a catering kitchen, canteen and bar, covered spectator area and more. Construction is on track to be completed later this year. Temporary facilities are up and running throughout the footy and netball season while the project is underway.