An expression of dissatisfaction with a Council policy, Councillor, procedure, staff member/s, fees
and charges, agents, quality of service, or the complaints-handling process itself.
Complaints about Victorian Councils that relate to breaches of the Local Government Act 2020, for example,
- Conflicts of interest – relating to sections 127-131 of the Local Government Act
- Local government elections
- Misuse of position – section 123 of the Local Government Act 2020
- disclosure of confidential information – section 125 of the Local Government Act
Complaints about decisions made by Council – such as service, communication, and compliance with polices, procedures or the way a council has managed a complaint.
Corrupt conduct such as where allegations would relate to bribes, dishonesty or influence, committing fraud, misusing information or material acquired at work, conspiring to engage in corrupt conduct, or failure to declare a conflict of interest.